Chapter 1 & Disclaimer

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. J K Rowling owns everything to do with it.

Harry's P.O.V.


There was darkness surrounding my nightly visions before a blinding light emerged. Looks like tonight's dreams are nothing more than a mere trip down memory lane. I couldn't help but scoff at this dream again, might as well let it play, perhaps my magic is trying to warn me about something.

I sat and watched memories of primary school and life at the Dursleys fly by. All of the beatings, abuse, talking down to. The little boy that I was trying and failing to hide his emotions. The rage, pain, sorrow, it was all too much to contain completely, so show it did. Once those were finished it showed me Hagrid telling me I was a Wizard and taking me to Diagon Alley for the first time, that's when I started focusing in a bit as the memory finally had a color!

Most people wouldn't know what I meant by color. Hermione sure as he'll doesn't! The one time I dared try to tell her she chastised me, saying magic isn't gonna tell us things or guide us, yadda yadda yadda. What I mean is my magic will cause a memory of an event or a person in the memory to be surrounded in an aura color. Not their personal aura colors which I can also see when I focus, but a color-coded aura that tells me things about them. Like all of my memories about the Dursleys are surrounded by a dreary black, same with Voldy, I recognize that means enemies. Red means that someone is angry or is gonna be angry at me. Green for envy, yellow for fear or cowardice, blue for friendship, orange is betrayal, but this particular memory is when I met the second magical person my age, and the first witch.

"You're finished dear," the elderly witch told the blonde ponce, and thankfully he left the store.

"Finally the ponce leaves," I mutter under my breath causing this cute girl beside me to giggle.

"Draco Malfoy, he was born and raised to be a ponce by his father," she said while looking down a bit.

"Yeah? Wouldn't doubt it, my name's Harry by the way, Harry Potter," I introduced myself. She looked up and gasped when she heard my name and I noticed that she had eyes that are as blue as sapphires to go with her jet black hair, which I noticed was the exact same shade as mine. As I was studying her face she gained control of herself.

"Sorry about that Harry, I'd imagine that you don't like people reacting like that. I was just surprised is all. Oh, yeah, my name is Daphne, Daphne Greengrass," the now identified Daphne told me as she reached out her hand to mine.

"Daphne, eh? A pretty name to go with a pretty face and smart to boot," I teased her a bit causing her to blush.

That first memory of Daphne I noticed a pink aura around her the whole time. I can't believe it's been three years since we've met. I remember her asking about my past, and I just couldn't deny those blue puppy dog eyes. I remember her standing in indignation on my behalf as I told her about my so-called relatives. How she then convinced me to sneak past Hagrid and to go back into Gringotts to talk with my account manager. Found out about my family and learned that I was Heir Potter and would be able to claim my Heir Ring on my thirteenth birthday. That's only because there's no active lord, I also found out my actual name is Hadrian, and Harry is just a nickname.

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