Odds & Ends

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[A/n: Ok, this is my one shot epliouge for 'Hey Mr. Kidnapper can you give me a ride home?' by racingheart. I might post an epi for bad gril, not sure. Well, enjoy.]

'I now pronounce London and Jack officially divorced.' The judge banged his gavel and I tried holding back tears. At least I wasn't joined with that lying cheating bastard any more.

6 months earlier...

I checked my watch. 3 o'clock. I was 3 hours early, trying to surprise Josh by coming home from work early. I had a whole romantic evening planned. Watching 'The Notebook' which had become Josh's favourite movie when I begged him to watch it. He said he didn't want to watch some chick flick but was crying his eyes out at the end.

Then eating a romantic candlelit dinner. Or maybe dinner first. Popcorn during the movie would no-way sate my eternal hunger. I pulled up in the drive-way to our five-bedroom house. We only used one bedroom but I was trying to get pregnant. I'd never fancied kids before but when we'd been married for three years a family did seem rather practical. Opening the door I tried not to make any noise. Tip-toeing to the staircase I almost fainted when I heard a woman's moans coming from upstairs.

Almost sprinting upstairs I threw open our bedroom door and caught Josh laying on the bed, naked, along with a girl, wearing the same amount of clothes as him.

She pulled the duvet up to cover herself and Josh sat up.

'London, what are you doing home so early?' Josh looked incredibly sheepish but I just stood there.

'How long?' I asked, my voice cracking.

'London, sweetheart-'

'HOW LONG?!' I screamed at him.

'A year.' He mumbled, turning bright red. He looked at me scared. He knew I knew moves that would make him to lose the ability to have kids. Ever.

But right now I was to many swirling, confusing emotions for me to think logically. I just shook my head and turned.

'I can't believe you Josh. I actually thought you loved me. After everything we'd been through. After everything. I absolutely can't believe you.' I walked out and got to my car. My arms were brimming with tears. I made it three streets before I had to stop the car.

I started  sobbing. Hard. But unlike the movies, including the ones...Josh, had been in, there was no rain, no gray clouds to match my sorrows. It was a sunny, cloudless day. Birds were tweeting; kids were mucking around in the park opposite. It was like the universe laughing in my face. I fumbled for my phone. I'd put it on silent for work.

Josh missed calls (14)

Josh new messages (36)

I felt like throwing my phone out the window. Instead I dialled Rachel, my best friend since I'd gone through college 4 years ago.

'Hey London, is something wrong, you like, never call while your at work.' She sounded concerned, and it was true. While I was working at the hospital as administration staff I never called people.

'Something is wrong...I-I caught Josh in b-b-be with-with-with, another girl-l-l.' I hiccupped and wailed.

'Oh, you poor baby, where are you, I'll come pick you up.'

'I'm at the park, you know the stupid one with the round-about that doesn't work.'

'I'll be there in five.' Rachel hung up and I slumped against the steering wheel.

We'd been together properly for 4 years, I've loved him forever. He repays me by getting in bed with some slut.

Something suddenly occurred to me.

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