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Olivia pov:

I woke up around 6:45am, my body was sore from surfing and my mind was tired. I got very little sleep last night because I couldn't stop overthinking. If it wasn't a big deal why does my father act suspicious about it.

I brush my teeth and my hair. I throw on something casual not worrying about how I look.

Even though my dad and I had a rough relationship, I still wanted to make sure he was safe

I walk down my stairs and start making my lunch. My father walks out from his room.

"Goodmorning Liv" he says.

"Morning dad"

he takes a seat at the table in front of me.

"Liv I- I just wanted to let you know I love you very much. Im sorry if I ever hurt you in anyway."

"Dad, is everything okay?"

"Yes...everything's fine, I just wanted to let you know how I felt."

"I love you too."

He nodded and went right back into his room. I almost hesitated to go to school because of how his voice sounded. He sounded scared?Worried? I don't understand why but the whole conversation felt off to me.

I walked to school hoping it would calm me down.

First class history...which means class with JJ.

I see he is already there so I take a seat next to him and without thinking much of it. I simply ask.

"JJ, what's the royal merchant?"

He raised his head toward me slowly.

"Liv, how do you even know about that."

"My father was acting weird and I looked at his computer and found a ton of websites about it? I didn't look into it though." i say

He jolts up and grabs my arm and practically drags me out of the classroom. He finally let's go and I follow him down the hall. He takes me outside and tells me to sit at a table.

I really don't understand why and how this is such a huge deal, but I sat down and listened to what he had to say.

"Liv your father could be dangerous." he says whispering.

"And how's that JJ, a ship from years ago? how's that dangerous."

"No you don't understand, This has ruined many family's. John Bs dad died searching for this, Liv, he got murdered over it. Oh yeah, Rafe and Sarah's dad? He did the murdering, but he's missing now and nobody knows where he is...Your dad is getting himself into a horrible situation."

This makes no sense to me. I try to process what I was just told.

"Why though, what's so special about this history that makes people go fucking crazy over it?"I ask.

"The ship carried tons of gold, like tons. If you found this, you and generations of your family would be set. I saw the gold with my own eyes but it always was taken from us."

I still didn't understand how this was happening in my new town. This is the things you see in movies, you don't experience this first hand...

"JJ I think I have to go..." I said

I ran off as he yelled my name and asked me to come back. I kept going. My father was in danger and I don't know if he knew that or not.

I heard my phone blowing up. I stoped running to see what was going on.

It was JJ.

"Be safe ok? Let me know when ur home and if you need a place to stay, text me."

I couldn't text back. I just couldn't. I needed to get home. I continued running.

I finally got to my house. I stopped in the driveway to catch my breath. I noticed his car still here so I began to calm down. I approached my front door and opened it. I heard nothing? it was absolutely silent throughout the whole house. I began to search for my dad.

I checked his room first, totally empty.

His bathroom, empty.

The living room, empty.

My heart raced and I began to worry again. I ran up stairs and check all the extra bed rooms. I even checked my room.

I sat on my bed and texted my father. I asked where he was and pressed send.

I heard his notification go off from down the hall.

I slowly looked out of my bedroom door. I saw that the upstairs bathroom door was slightly cracked open.

I walked down the hall and began to open the door, it wouldn't open fully. So I tried my best to squeeze through the space between the door and the frame.

My left foot first. I finally got my leg through the space and put my foot down.


My foot was covered in what felt like a warm liquid. I yanked my leg out in disgust.

I looked down toward my foot.


covered in blood.

holy shit.

I screamed my fathers name and put all my body weight on the door to get it open. Finally it gave out and I fell onto the bathroom floor.

I slowly got up and looked down.

My father laying there.

Gun in his hand.

no emotion, no breaths, nothing.

All I could do was scream.

"the wires got the best of him"

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