Chapter 43 Love (18+)

Start from the beginning

YU feels the emptiness on his shaft and Sam's gaze behind his closed lids.

And when he opens them, he sees the pain in Sam's eyes.

The pain he brought him.

He breaks at the sight.

"Sam.", YU's voice sounds tenderly.

Sam kisses him.

Tenderly, he swallows YU's unspoken words.

Whispers their meaningfulness to his lips.

He kisses him.

Shows him his feelings.

Shows himself to him.

Make him feel him.

See him.

Feel his insatiable hunger for him.

Sam breaks their tender hot kiss and takes off his own sweater.

YU lets himself be carried away by the sight of his skin.

He floats in the warm current of his love.

Sam is his fulfillment.

He feels his fulfillment and drifts in the seas of their togetherness.

He runs his hands over Sam's back.

Feels his lover's skin under his fingers.

And loses himself with his sense of taste on his neck as Sam carries him to the bathroom.

He kisses him tenderly on the back of the neck.

"Sam," YU begins and is interrupted by Sam.

He turns his face to him and presses his lips against his.

Shuts him up.

Penetrates him with his tongue.

Gets him out of breath.

Puts him in the bathtub and exposes him.


Wants him completely naked.

His eyes glide over YU's petite body as Sam strips too.

YU sees the intoxicating, naked contours of his lover.

His breathing becomes more frantic as he admires his sensual center.

He feels the arousal flooding inside him.

Wants him. Now.

And surrendering to his deepest urge, he leans forward, grabs Sam's butt and pulls him to him.

He can't help himself.

He claws at Sam and begins to press their loving bodies together.

His pleading squirming drives Sam forward.

Their symbiotic skin caresses each other.

Their touches lift them into the warm swirls of their lust.

Sam lets his taste and scent lead him into the healing springs.

No pain.

No sorrow.

No reality.

Just his sounds whispering comforting breaths to him.

Anointing his love tenderly on his wounds.

YU's hands wander over his body. Wanting to enclose everything. Show him his love.

Caressing every part of his adored body.

Presses his raging center unbridled against Sam's pleasure center.

And YU hears his shamelessly demanding.

Wants more.

Begs and tugs at Sam's body.

Until Sam takes his hands.

He holds him tight, leaning his forehead against his, letting his wild breath intoxicate him.

And when he hears YU calling for his body again with his hands, he holds him even tighter.

Sam brings his hands together and clasps his joints with one hand. He kisses YU and looks into his longing eyes.

Sam lets it flow.

The warm water that seeks its way over their bodies.

He kisses YU's forehead and turns him around.

He reaches around him from behind and joins their wet bodies in an embrace.

YU feels Sam kiss his neck and rest his face on his shoulder.

With their eyes closed, they let the wet love of their symbiosis take them away.

And he feels Sam's heart beating heavily against his back.

He feels its heaviness. His pain.

He feels Sam's pain against his scarred back.

"Sam.", YU begins and is stopped by Sam's hand on his mouth.

"Shhh.", Sam whispers to him and starts to press against YU's butt.

His hands slide along YU's body, seeking his lustful hold.

And as Sam reignites YU's groans, he pushes through his back and presses against the composer of his symphony.

Sam plays the melody of his love on his beloved instrument.

Rubbing his deep lust against him, he makes the most sensual notes ring out from him to the beat of his voluptuous hand.

And he feels YU's tones making deep waves.

YU's hips sway to the beat of his melody and escape from Sam's mouth with deep bass.

He feels himself flooding.

Raises the beat.

Moist, hot friction charges their bodies and sounds their symphony.


Their love seeks release.

And Sam buries his face into YU's neck as he lets the blast of his love take the free kick.

The vibrating sound on YU's neck makes him reach the peak of his flight in free fall.

With hearts racing, they linger in their symbiosis.

YU turns his face and digs into Sam's hair.

Sam hears the echo of his feelings fluttering in his body.

He brings his lips to YU's ear and lets his feelings seek freedom in free flight:

"I love you, YU. I love you."

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