Chapter 4 - Great Hall, the Sorting Hat & the Common Rooms

Start from the beginning

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." the blonde-haired boy began to say. 

The group of new first-year students around began whispering Harry's name to each other, shocked that Harry is at Hogwarts.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle." the blonde-haired boy said and nodded to the two beefy looking guys behind him. 

"And I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy." Draco said as Ron snickered quietly at his name which made Draco look over at Ron. 

"Think my name's funny, don't you? No need to ask yours then. Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley." Draco said and then looked back at Harry. 

"Well, soon you will find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Draco said and extended his hand out to Harry for him to shake. 

Harry looked down at Draco's hand and then looked up back at Draco who was waiting for him to say something. 

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." Harry said and saw Draco glaring at him. 

Chloe had overheard the whole conversation between Harry and Draco because they were in front of her. Chloe immediately disliked Draco because of the way he spoke about Ron and his family in front of Harry and Ron. 

Chloe smiled to herself because she was happy that Harry stood up for himself and Ron against Draco. 

Draco glared at Harry for a few minutes as Professor McGonagall came back into the room and smacked Draco on the shoulder with a piece of paper. Draco then retreated back to where he was originally standing with Crabbe and Goyle with one last glare directed at Harry. 

"We're ready for you now." Professor McGonagall and smiled at the group of new first-year students. 

Professor McGonagall led the group of new first-year students through two large doors and into the Great Hall. Chloe was amazed at the sight in front of her because the Great Hall was lit with thousands and thousands of floating candles in mid-air. 

In the Great Hall, there were also four long tables which was filled with returning students and the tables were laid with sparking golden plates and goblets.

Chloe looked up at the ceiling and gasped in surprise as she then tapped Hermione on the shoulder. Hermione then looked up at the ceiling where Chloe was pointing towards and also gasped in surprise. 

"It's actually not real, the ceiling." Hermione whispered quietly to Chloe who had a look of confusion written across her face. 

"Wait, really?" Chloe whispered back to Hermione quietly who looked back at her. 

"I thought your parents would have told you this because they attended Hogwarts years ago." Hermione began to say. 

Hermione looked at Chloe beside her as they continued to walk through the Great Hall together with the rest of the group of new first year students.  

"The ceiling is just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History." Hermione said and saw Chloe shaking her head back at her. 

"I did not know about that, thanks for telling me. I did read Hogwarts: A History but only half of it, so I will have to read up on the rest of it." Chloe said and smiled at Hermione who smiled back at her. 

Chloe saw an another long table at the top of the Great Hall where all of the professors that were teaching at Hogwarts were sitting. Professor McGonagall led the new group of first-year students towards the top and stopped in front of the professors' table. 

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