"Come on, follow me" Newt whispered before he began walking always looking at his surrounding alerted.

Thomas followed his pace almost tiptoeing to make the smallest noise. He knew bad things would wait for him if someone found out about this little trip. He didn't want to know.

Newt led him through the hallways. Lights out except for small bulbs to avoid leaving the environment completely dark. The blond was making sure no guards were on sight, stopping on every corner. It was a good thing they didn't have to worry about the cameras. If not they would've had a lot of problems by now.

"How much left?" Thomas asked keeping his voice down. They've been walking for about twenty minutes now and he was getting impatient. They've already passed two staircases and he didn't have a great time on them. He was breathless.

"Shh. Almost there" Newt assured roughly, but slightly amused by Thomas' impatience when the brunet rolled his eyes.

When they reached a small door at the corner of a darker hallway two floors down, Newt took a shiny metal key from the pocket of his trousers, and with slow movements began to unlock the door. Thomas watched from behind, focused intrigued by the big mystery, waiting for him to open it.

Thomas held his breath when the door opened slowly without doing any loud chirring noise, and tried to spy from Newt's shoulder, staying still when Newt threw him a death glare.

"Come on I wanna see" Thomas whined softly, shoulder slumped surrendered.

"You'll see. Just stop whining and wait, big baby" Newt grunted when he finally opened the door completely, and checked left and right for possible WCKD workers. For now Thomas could see only black on the other side and it was frustrating him.

After taking a look, Newt let Thomas pass when he made sure there was no one on the other side. Even though this was a maintenance door and was barely used, as Ava Paige said, he still had to make sure no one would see Tommy.

"What is this place?" Thomas frowned confused, and Newt chuckled playfully.

"Come on, almost there. Follow me"

Thomas continued to follow Newt through a dark and narrow corridor after they closed the door, and on the other end there was another small door similar to the previous one.

"Here it is" Newt muttered when they came to a stop. Despite the lack of light, Thomas could see a brightness in his eyes as he spoke. Excited, really into this adventure. For Thomas, it was everything, and he was glad he accepted to come today, or else he would've lose that.

Newt unlocked the door and they were immediately hit by a cold but soft breeze. Thomas shivered at that, but laughed when he saw Newt startled by it. Newt rolled his eyes bus smiled amused. On the other side there was grass, yes, actual grass. Thomas hadn't seen grass in a long time, and stared speechless at the green and soft surface. The grass continued for about ten meters before it turned into a dark green forest, tress covering the view. It reminded him of the tress at the safe haven, they smelled like nature, hope and life.

"Wow" It was all he could say, as he put a foot outside, wanting to kick off his shoes and feel the grass right away. He stared at his surroundings, then down, and then up. He could see the night sky, adorned by bright white tiny dots, shining far away. He sighed, welcomed by a mental peace no other than Newt could give to him. Then, he took a deep breath, analyzing the different smells, wanting to melt in them 'till forever.

Newt stared from behind, no bothering in suppressing a smile when he watched Thomas opening his arms, greeting nature as if it was sweet oxygen to his lungs. Thomas looked back, and as if it was possible, some color returned to his cheeks. He looked vivid, more alive than he had looked the last days. Their eyes found each other, eating themselves with passionate looks, the silence speaking more than a thousand words.

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