Chapter 25 - Final Chapter 🍋

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The next day was pure stress, we did the mission and it was intense. Damon and Stefan were successful with handling the agents, but some of them where still in the base and made a problem for Wanda and me. We were just getting the data's Tony wanted us to get, when two agents sneaked up behind us and one of them shot me in the back. Wanda killed them with her magic, and I pulled the bullet out of my back, thanks to my decision to feed from Wanda, my wound was healing fast and there was a little bit of pain left. I knelt to the ground and took deep breathes, while Wanda finished the mission.

After a few minutes I felt a hand on my back and Wanda's magic surrounded me. "You okay sweetheart?" "Yes, it's nothing" I groaned, but looked up to her. She gave me a smile, but I could see the fear and worry in her eyes. "Hey my love, believe me! Everything is okay" I caressed her cheek and showed her the wound, there was nothing to see anymore, it has completely healed. Wanda nodded, but kept quiet and I pulled her closer to give her a quick kiss. "Come on let us get out of here" she grabbed my waiting hand and I ran us out of the building. I stopped when I was sure no one was after us and then I let Wanda down and laid her on the forest ground. "Funny, how we're always landing in a forest" Wanda giggled and looked up into my eyes. "I feel save and peaceful in the woods." "I know what you mean I can feel your calmness" Wanda placed a hand over my heart, and I smiled at that, "you're cute!" "I'm glad you're not in pain anymore, I couldn't think straight when it happened, and I, I" Wanda began to stutter, and I stopped her "I love you Wanda" and pulled her into a kiss, which she deepened. "Get a room" Damon came and yelled. We pulled apart and I rolled my eyes "Shut up, you're just jealous!" "Yeah, sure" he laughed and helped me up. Stefan helped Wanda and we made our way homewards. "You have everything?" Stefan asked and Wanda answered "Yeah, (Y/N) got shot in the back, but it's okay now. The wound is gone and is completely healed." My brothers looked over to me and I just shrugged "It's Wanda's blood." "Ha! I knew it would help you and it's enjoying for the both of you, am I right?" Damon laughed and wiggled with his eyebrows. "Fuck off Damon" Wanda said, and I smiled proudly, "that's my girlfriend" I laughed, and Stefan said, "I like her!" Wanda winked at him and giggled, "come on let's get some drinks" I said and Damon cheered, "but first we're going home and get changed, I need a shower" Wanda demanded and we laughed, then she looked at me and pointed with her finger towards me, "and you're joining me!" I held my hands up and nodded enthusiastically.

When we reached the mansion, Wanda pulled me up to the bathroom and I laughed the whole way. "Someone is eager" I said, and Wanda blushed, "yes" she mumbled and turned around to look at me shyly. Wanda pulled at my clothes and removed my clothes while I did the same with her, we kissed, and it got passionate. My hands traveled up her naked body and stopped at her breasts. We stumbled into the shower and she turned on the water and pulled at my hair. I hissed and my fangs grew "I want you" I breathed. Wanda positioned my face at her neck, but I stopped her and shook my head. "No, I have a different idea my love and I think you will like it" I murmured and waited for Wanda's response, she nodded and my mouthed kissed down to her nipples. After I kissed each of them, I bit in one and began sucking, Wanda's moan reached my ears. A smile came to my lips and I sucked harder, my hand gliding down between her legs and rubbing one finger over clit. Her hands rested over on my back, but one of them moved to my hair and scratched my scalp with her fingernails. Wanda's moans were magic for my ears and I increased the speed of my finger on her clit, entering her with two others. Her walls tightened immediately, and I stopped sucking, feeling strong enough again. My tongue licked over the tiny wounds and my lips pecked her nipple. I kissed my way down between her legs and knelt, lifting her legs up and positioned them around my shoulders. My tongue licked up and down her entrance and I held her with one arm up, while the other was still occupied with her pussy. I added a third finger and decided to suck at her clit, her walls tightened, and she screamed my name extremely loud. She came all over my mouth and I licked up her juices, while smirking, I was sure that Damon and Stefan heard what I was doing with Wanda, but I couldn't care less.

She was breathing hard when I stood up again and pecked her lips, with her taste on my tongue. "Do you really want to get drinks?" "Why? You don't?" I asked her and arched an eyebrow. Wanda looked down and mumbled "No, I want to lay down and just cuddle with you!" "That can be arranged" I smiled at her and we finished our shower. I informed Stefan and Damon about the change in our plans and they nodded sympathetic. The bed was cozy and warm, and Wanda laid half on top of me, with her eyes closed. "I can't wait to be home again, with you" Wanda whispered when I thought she had fallen asleep. "Yeah me too, I think this thing between us can actually work" I whispered back and caressed her back. "This thing, like you call it, is love and I think it's a strong one, you're my other half, my soulmate and I love every part of it." "You're kitschy and a hopeless romantic" I said and kissed her. "And you're a softy!"

One soul, two bodies | Wanda MaximoffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ