16. Isabella Tanith Pleasant Would Be a Goddess

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Gabrielle carefully brought both the girls inside, cringing when Bella woke up and started crying. "Shh... It's okay... Shh..." She tried soothing her, and looked up when the Bentley pulled up.

Her heart started pounding when Skulduggery got out, anger written all over his features. This was not good.

He stalked up to the front door and stood in front of Gabrielle for a moment before pushing past her and disappearing into the house. She sighed and closed the door, looking around. Sophie was crawling towards the lounge room, and Bella was staring after Skulduggery.

Gabrielle sighed. Why the hell was she doing this? This would not end well she was sure of that.

She began walking in the direction Skulduggery had gone, and found him staring out the window of the bathroom. She hesitantly knocked once.

"Go away," he mumbled.

Gabrielle sighed softly. "I just wanted to say that I'm here for you if you need me."

Skulduggery turned and went to say something when he caught sight of Bella. He stiffened. "Get her out of here, now."

Gabrielle frowned.

"Get her away from me," he said through gritted teeth, and turned back to face the window.

Gabrielle's stare drifted from him back down to Bella, who had her brown eyes locked on her father. She felt her heart shattering in her chest, but stepped out the door anyway; shutting it behind her with a soft click.

The blonde girl sighed and looked down at Bella, who was staring up at her and gripping the top of her shirt. "What have we done Bella?" She smiled. It disappeared almost instantly.

Gabrielle sighed again, and carried Bella up to Sophie's old cot, placing her gently inside and closing the door. She walked back downstairs and found the other child crawling around the lounge room, probably looking for her parents.

Hot tears fell from Gabrielle's eyes. She had no idea what Skulduggery was going to do now. And she was afraid.


Skulduggery stood staring at nothing for a little while, before his anger started growing. It grew and grew until it was pure rage. He growled and punched the mirror, the glass shattering and shards falling onto the floor.

He was only vaguely aware of his hand bleeding, and sunk to his knees beside the shower, sobbing.


Claret boosted herself up to the window, peering inside. She smiled when she saw the baby laying asleep in the cot. The door was shut. Wasn't that convenient.

She gently opened the window and climbed inside, being careful not to wake Bella. She stood up and approached the cot, her heart beating furiously in her chest. She leaned over, brushing a single finger against the baby's cheek. It was so soft, she was beautiful.

That single touch made Claret feel something. Power. Magic. It was practically radiating from the child. She couldn't hold back the massive goofy grin that spread across her face. Isabella Tanith Pleasant, would be a Goddess. All her and Ravel had to do, was wait fifteen years or so for her to be at full strength. With Valkyrie out of the way now, and Skulduggery hating his own daughter, it would be so much easier.

Claret leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on the baby's cheek. She stroked her jaw one more time, before going back over to the window and climbing out of the room. She held onto the side of the house while she closed the window back up, and dropped, falling on her shoulder like she'd been taught. She hurried straight into the cover of the trees.


"YOU WHAT?!" The man cried. Claret smirked.

"Us? No, we did nothing. Bella's the one who killed Valkyrie."

Tyrell put his hands over his ears and sunk to his knees, tears running down his cheeks.

"No," he whispered. "Not Valkyrie..."

"Yes," Claret told him. "Yes Valkyrie."

"Why?" Tyrell asked her, looking up. "Why did this have to happen?"

Claret shrugged.
"It was inevitable."

Ravel shot her a smug look, but she gave no indication that she noticed it.

"Where's my brother?" Tyrell asked, getting to his feet.

"Skulduggery's fine," Claret said, waving her hand in the air. "He'll grieve for a while, then he'll be fine."

Tyrell shook his head and turned away from them both. "I can't believe this..."

"Well you should," Claret smiled, stepping forward and putting a hand on his shoulder.

Tyrell flinched away from her touch, and glared at her. "Don't touch me," he growled. Claret raised an eyebrow, but made no move to go near him again.

"Fine," she muttered, going back over to Ravel. "Just know that there's no way you are going to be able to stop us."

Without another word, Tyrell turned his back on them and teleported away.

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