The village acident

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The village was swarming with people today, I could see everyone through my window. There was people talking to other, buying stuff, just going about their daily lives. Sitting in this room waiting for mum and dad to get back was boring but what else am I gonna do?
In the distance I could see my dads car speeding down the dirt road, I jumped up with excitement and ran to my door, while running down the stairs I heard a loud crash come from outside ad a commotion, probably someone knocking over a shop stand or something.

I swing the door, expecting to see dads car in the driveway, but to my surprise it wasn't out front anywhere. I looked back down the road to see if they had stoped further down the road for some reason, my eyes widened as I saw my dads car flipped over. I quickly rushed over to the crashed car, but just to be stoped by someone. "Let go of me!" I shouted at the man, people starting to crowd me and the car. "What happened?" I could hear a few people ask to one another as the crown grew.

"Come with me please" the man who had stopped me asked, nudging me in the other direction. "But what ab-" I was gonna ask but was pulled by my arm away from the crash by the man. I struggled a bit but since I wouldn't be able to get out of his grip I eventually gave up and let the man drag me back to my house. He had muttered something about "stay in here" before he sung the door and left me inside. Once the door shut I ran up to my room and looked out the window, trying to see what was happening.

After a while of struggling to see what was happening I eventually just sat down below the window, curling my knees to my chest and laying head in them. I sat like this for a while, the only thing I could hear was the faint chatter of the people outside, besides that it was dead silent. I sat like this for a while, in the silence, until I heard a faint knock on the front door. Quickly I got up and ran down the stairs, pulling the door open to be met with a nice looking woman. "Hello young one, are you the son of Alexander and Jenny Davidson?" She asked me with a wide smile, bending down a bit to my night.

"Yes I am...why..." I asked the woman, still not completely sure what was happening before. "Let's not worry about that right about we go to somewhere else?" She asked me, ignoring my question with another question, she held out her hand for me to take. I nodded softly and took her hand, she pulled me away from my house softly and we started walking down the dirt path. I tried to look behind us at where my dads car flipped but the woman would pull my hand a bit each time I looked back.

After a bit of walking the woman took us to a little dirt path off from the original path, leading further into the forest, I was hesitant at first but ended up following her. As she lead me further into the forest the dirt path got more unnoticeable until it was just grass, twigs and leaves. We went on live this for a few minutes till I noticed a small wooden house not to far away, it was kind of hard to notice since of the dense forest. As we got closer to the forest there was a clearing, in this clearing were a few other kids playing with each other. The second I got into view of the other kids they stoped and stained at me, it was horrible.

We eventually reached the door to the small House, the woman opened it and let me in, even though it was small it looked horrible bigger inside. "Here follow me, I'll bring you to your new room..." the woman said, stopping for a second before Continuing " will have a roommate, his name is Rodger, also you can call me willow.." willow smiled softly down at me, I nodded to her and she started walking away. I followed her assuming she was bringing me to my room, as we walked I wondered who my roommate was. Even though I new his name I had never met this person in my like so I was wondering what he was like.

Eventually we reached a room and willow opened the door fire me to go I first, I walked in and it was pretty empty. Two beds, as few shelves that were filled with books and stuff, and a rather small tv sitting on a table beside the door, the beads and shelves were mirrored on each side of the ends of the room. Surprisingly there was nobody in here, he was probably one of the kids outside that were staring at me. "Stay here I will get you some clothes to try on so you have some your size" willow said and I nodded, she closed the door after and I could hear her walking away.

I walked over to the bed that looked like it wasn't taken, sitting down on the edge. I flopped back onto the bed, it was unbelievable Comfy for being quiet small. I could hear the faint foot steps walking to my room, I sat up and willow entered the room with some clothes in her hands. "Are you ready to try on some clothes?" Willow asked me walkover with the small pile. "Sure" I muttered started to try them on. After trying them all on only a few fit me, luckily any of them fit me being honest. All the shirts looked way to small to fit me.

"Welp you better head off to bed with you, it's getting late" willow picked up the bigger/smaller clothes and pointed out the window. When I looked out I could just barely see the den starting to set through the trees. When I looked back willow had already left, not having anything else to do I sat the clothes that wot me on my bedside table and crawled into bed. It took me a while to actually fall asleep, I still
Had so many questions about where I was and what happens to Mum and dad, and I haven't even met who my 'roommate' is yet. After a while of these thoughts running around my head my mind went blank and I drifted off to sleep...

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