“Hello, this is the phone of Summer, how can I brighten your day?” I hadn’t checked the Caller I.D so this could be anyone from the Queen herself to a  scary stalker. I really hope it isn’t the latter.

“Well, consider my day brightened already” His voice sounded care-free and happy, enough to make my smile widen and my stomach clenched. Jesus this boy had an effect on me when he’s miles away, how bad will it be when we will be together again?

Paying for the chocolate whilst holding the phone between my shoulder an ear (a thing only women seem to do) I walked back to the car, with the bag swinging merrily.

“Youre welcome, Lou-Roll. Now, where are you calling from?” I replied.

“Harry’s house, hurry up. Where are you?” His impatience was cute and made my cheeks hurt from the exhaustion of smiling.

“We are on our way, just stopped for some petrol. We will be 20 minutes, unless Colette gets us lost.” I didn’t think she was close enough to hear it, but from the shout of indignation coming from the other side of the car, I think her supersonic hearing picked it up

Louis laugh echoed from the other line and soon we had hung up and back on the road again, snacking on the gut busters I had previously bought.

We arrived quite well, only getting lost once and that was because Colette was stalking a nice car and she lost the road we were supposed to be on. All in all, a successful trip.

Making through Harrys house was both hard and easy. Hard to get there without causing paparazzi mayhem. Easy because Colette had a plan.

But she didn’t tell me the plan involved driving so fast, it looks like we are going to run over the paparazzi so they dodge out of the way for their life and we carry on swimmingly with ours. A dangerous plan which I had my fingers crossed throughout, praying to every God I knew; even the Greek/Roman ones.

Colette, seeming to be unfazed by nearly killing people, jumped out of the car as soon as the coast was clear and right into Nialls awaiting arms. They still made me go all mushy inside.

Grumbling as I went, I got out of the car, still munching on Oreo Double Stuff and pretending to glare at Colette, who was sharing a PG-13 kiss with her boyfriend. I was just about to throw an Oreo at the two when I lost equilibrium and dropped it. You may be wondering how I lost equilibrium, well that can be easily answered.

I had been picked up by Harry Styles himself and spun in an upside down circle whilst he screamed “SUM-SUM”. Not one of best moments in my life, thought I bet 500,000 Directioners would kill to be in my position. Again.

After being put down after a lot of persuasion (or as others call it, THREATS), I pouted at the dead Oreo on the ground. It was so young, had so much ahead of it, and was cruelly taken away by a pop-star. Heart-wrenching story, definitely the next best seller.

“You killed my Double Stuff- Stuffy is dead because of you!” I said, pretending to be annoyed at the smiley, curly haired boy in front of me, though it was becoming increasingly hard.

“Meh, you have a whole packet.” He shrugged and put his arm round me, leading me to the house. I had to admit, it was a very nice place and I couldn’t wait to spend some time there.

“Welcome to my humble abode.” He introduced us to his house (wow I never thought I would say that sentence.)

“Hmm yeah ok, wheres Louis?” I cut him short. He looked at me, feigning hurt and grabbing me tighter with his arm, still placed around my shoulder.

“We all know you are secretly after me babe, just admit it.” The flirtiness came with the boys nature and it made me laugh.

“You know, I feel sorry for your neck. It has such a hard job, carrying that massive head of yours around” I remarked, slipping under his arm and making my way up the stairs.

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