Chapter Nine

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Jett felt giddy when leaving the Medical Ward. Sage had sent her out because she had needed to treat a few of her patients. Claiming that Jett would 'distract' her too much while at work. Jett noted the dark blush on Sage's cheeks while she said that.

Jett didn't mind having to leave Sage for a little. It gave her a chance to have some alone time and visit Raze which she hadn't seen in a while.

She tiptoed over to Raze's room and knocked silently. She saw the doorknob jiggle before it opened, showing a tired Raze.

"Jett? What are you doing up? Shouldn't you be resting?" Raze asked.

Jett shook her head and barged it, "Nope, I'm fine. Thanks to Sage.."

"Uh oh, I know that face. You did something that's making you all hyper. Tell me now"

Jett giggled and flopped onto Raze's bed in a starfish form, "I did something..that I don't think I would ever have the guts to do. But I did it?"

"What? Eat sardines?"

"No! Never in my life!"

"Then what is it!"

Jett looked over at Raze's face and sighed again, "So, you know Sage right?"

"Of course I do, I've been working with her for two years, you dingus"

Jett snorted, "We may or may not have.. did it"

Raze almost choked on her air and stared at Jett with a surprised yet concerned expression, "You did what?! Like, it?"


"Woah Woah, you guys just reunited. How are you guys already jumping to the nasty!" Raze had a look of utter astonishment, "I didn't even know Sage was that..freaky"

"What do you mean nasty? We just kissed.."

Raze let out an exasperated sigh and hit Jett in the shoulder lightly, "Really, Jett?!"

"What? Why are you freaking out?"

"Because! You made it sound like you guys had sex! You could have just said, 'we kissed' and I wouldn't have reacted as bad! 'Doing it' is another word for having sex, Jett"

Jett's lips formed into an 'o' and realized what Raze meant, "Oooh, good to know! Thanks for letting me know!"

Raze cursed under her breath for Jett's nonchalant answers to the subject of sex.

"Do you know what sex is? Or how it works..?"

Jett's eyes bolted to Raze's and her cheeks lit up now, "W-What? Of course, I do...we did have a sex-ed in school y'know?"

"Okay, just making sure. Do you know how lesbian sex-"

"Don't-! Finish that sentence...I do not know how it works, and I never plan to figure out how it works because I don't think Sage will be comfortable with it"

"What do you mean? Don't jump to conclusions plus, being a lesbian, you should know how all the shenanigans go"

"But...It's embarrassing. I mean, don't you just stick your fingers-"


Jett eventually left Raze's room pretty much scarred. She hadn't expected to learn all of the terminologies and was genuinely surprised at how much Raze knew about..all stuff...

Jett rubbed a hand over her face and sighed. She couldn't believe that she and Raze had that conversation from just talking about her and Sage's first kiss. She eventually made her way back to the Medical ward and knocked on it.

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