"Bring the food in", he said to the butler, who up until now stood near the door.
At that demand he went out and returned with trays full of food.

The dishes were served, and we could finally eat.

So the duke noticed that I'm acting quite strange.

Especially Penin, Zephyra's older brother.
My assumption was correct, he really doesn't like me.

Also the family seems pretty ordinary, compared to the imperial family in the novel.
Maybe because this dukedom wasn't mentioned in the book?

Maybe some unimportant family, not worth to be mentioned?

I have to figure out how Zephyra's relationship is with this family.
Or I'll be too suspicious.

I took the fork in my right hand, and the knife in my left hand and began eating.

After the uncomfortable silence caused by the eating, I wanted to leave.
But I knew it wouldn't be that easy.
I decided to break off the silence.

„Grand duk— Father."
I began.

I could feel all of the gazes around me— wether it was out of curiosity, gladness or dislike.

I looked up, lifted up my chin and looked directly in his eyes.

I couldn't decipher, what he was feeling or thinking about me, interrupting the silence.

He let go of his fork, put his hands under his chin. As if he was telling me
go on. I'm listening.

I cleared up my throat. I straightened my posture. I looked that much seriously, that the three of them became unsure of what I wanted.

"I want two things.
I want to have my own study room, and I want to practice swordsmanship. To put it in simple words, I want to be able to protect myself."

I could feel the widening of eyes, unable to say something.

Was I too much?
Or should I have asked for simpler things?
Was I too fast?

After his shocking face, his features softened, and a smile curled up on his lips.

I also know from the book, that in this world such things as studying and working out as a knight was a manly thing.
Women were allowed to do that, but the society still would've said something against it.

One of the many reasons Aelia wanted to change this world.

"Of course, my dearest.", he said.

To be honest I was shocked, and it was probably written all over my face, that I found it odd.

A father giving me a smile.

The smile I always wanted to see, but never was able to.

For a moment, I felt a warmth.
I couldn't name it, since I never felt something like this.

Even in the slightest, it made me smile back.
This time I didn't smile fake.

I felt relieved for this little moment.

The only moment where I could be me. Not Zephyra.

But this smile immediately faded away as soon as I realised other people were watching.

"Ha, what's up with this. Usually you would want all the dresses this empire could offer. Especially the ugliest ones. As if a horrible person like you could change in one day!"
Penin's voice got louder at the end.

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