i closed my eyes to think about it. i went through all of the memories i had of him. my eyes flashed open.

"do you remember?"

"you were high on the football field," i gulped.

"i was."

"i had to come rescue you."

"you did."

"why did you have pills on you that night?" i asked him.

he swallowed.

"it was two weeks after erik died. august threw me an initiation party to a society erik was a part of. i was his replacement. that's what the drugs you brought august were used for. that's why we had our first fight. that's why alexander was expelled."

my stomach turned. i was holding the pills i stole from my dad.

"at the party i put them in my pocket. i was so lost and hurt and confused. i thought i would need them to live without him. but then i had you. you made me feel how the drugs did. you took away my problems, so i didn't ever need to use them."

i stared at him. i didn't know what to say. tears were starting to form in his eyes. i hugged him. he squeezed me back harder.

"please don't ever do that to yourself," i pleaded.

he nodded.

"do you still want to go out?"

i nodded.


we both lightened up significantly in the hour we had before we left. we were smiley and flirty again before we finished getting ready. i was straightening out my jeans in his full length mirror. he came out behind me and put his mouth at my ear.

"you know what's so hot?" he asked.

i leaned back into him.


"that little curl that you can't get tamed so it keeps falling into your eyes."

i looked behind me and smiled at him. he leaned in and kissed me.

"are you ready to go?"

"as i'll ever be."


"is the blindfold really necessary?" i complained.

"yes! now shut up and enjoy yourself."

"i can't enjoy myself if i can't see," i sassed.

he laughed.

"it won't be too much longer," he said, and the car stopped, "see? we're already here."

"no! i can't see!"

"yeahhh i know."

i heard a car door open. then i felt the one next to me open. my hands were met with other hands, and they pulled me out of the car. i struggled to keep my balance. he caught me.

"hey, love. you're fine, i'm right here," he cooed.

i nodded. he kept his arms around me and guided me through wherever we were. we walked for a few minutes.

"okay, you're gonna step up right here," he told me.

i lifted my foot, but when i tried to put it down the ground wasn't there. i started to trip. he caught me again.

"i got you," he guided, "ready, up."

i made it onto the higher ground this time. the floor wasn't as firm here, but the air smelt the same. it felt like i was on a platform. his hands followed me up the step. and then his feet. i could feel the ground shake as someone stepped on behind him. he moved me a little bit further.

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