eleven (11)

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just wanted to let you all know that this chapter is my pride and joy so far. please enjoy!! also, underage drinking is mentioned. PLEASE DO NOT DRINK IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE (and if you do, please please please be safe!!!)

one week week later

a week has passed since the fight i had with sara. the only people that know what happened are wilhelm, felice, and august. the day it happened, i skipped class with wilhelm. it probably wasn't the best idea considering it was the second day of classes, but regardless, we didn't do much. for most of the day, we stayed locked away in my room hiding from the world that has done us wrong so many times. then we started talking about christmas break.

flashback to a week ago

"so i don't think we've talked about it yet. how was your christmas break?" he asked.

i could tell he was apprehensive about the question. it was still a very touchy topic and i was surprised he asked so early. i swallowed hard, deciding if i should answer honestly. i decided against it, because we definitely were not close or comfortable enough to talk about things like that.

"it was good," i replied vaguely, but i didn't try to mask the dishonestly in my voice, "how was yours?"

i doubted he would mention anything about me, just as i did. but i also knew he had a lot more responsibilities than i did, so his break probably sucked just as much, if not more, than mine. he cleared his throat.

"well, if i'm being honest, it was hell. with all the interviews, and having to be near my mom for so long, yeah. it definitely was not the best time."

sometimes i forget how much effort he had to put into being the heir of the crown. this was one of those times. no matter how much i hated it, he would always be just that.

end flashback

that was all that was said about that. i was grateful for it, but i also knew that there was a fogginess in the air because we both wanted so desperately to talk about our feelings. feelings i knew for sure were still there for both of us, but neither of us wanted to risk what we had going for us now. being his friend was like pleasant torture.

and though we were only "officially" just friends again for just over a week, we definitely have taken to our old routines. a great example of this was the fact that we were in the middle of the field at 1 a.m currently, and i was sitting with his head in my lap again. it was a friday night and we were supposed to be inside, but he couldn't help his urge to go stare at the stars, as tonight was a full moon.

and oh, how that boy loved the stars. he would talk about them for hours at a time if he could, and everytime anything about astronomy was mentioned, his face lit up like the sun. i personally thought it was adorable, but i might be biased. but it wasn't only the stars, it was constellations. astrology. over the last week he managed to tell me everything he knew about them. what a sun sign was, what a moon sign was, what another sign that seemed complicated so i didn't remember was. but i tried so hard to remember. the crazy thing was that i never found myself bored talking to him about that. i actually found it quite interesting. and even though i couldn't give a shit what the alignment of the stars was at the time i was born, every night i wasn't with him i researched it. i couldn't help myself.

right now, as we were looking at the night sky, he pointed out the stars that he said somehow made shapes and patterns, and told me what each and every one was. it was incredible, not only how much he knew, but how strong his passion for it was. it was yet another thing i had to add to the list of things making me fall in love with him.

it's a crazy concept, love. something that sucks you in, like a drug, but instead of chemicals or herbs, the pain and the quirks and the vulnerability of it makes you feel like a dog on a leash and you just can't-

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