Chaper 10: Island Exam Part 2

Start from the beginning

I dig the ground and found it

Kiyo: "a walkie talkie and a camera, huh?"

Then, someone suddenly appeared

Tatsuya: "it seems our prediction is correct. She is hiding something"

Kiyo: "yeah, lets just see later. For now lets stay vigilant"

Timeskip, 5.45 AM

Kushida POV

Another early wake up. This place is not comfortable at all. Its making me not able to sleep well. And the worst part is, I still get nightmares from those 2 fucking monsters. Damn it

I got out of my tent, and saw him. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. But it seems Ibuki is also out there. She also wakes up early, huh.

But again, my eyes saw an unexpected event

Ibuki: "what are you doing?"

Kiyo: "uh, claiming spot?"


Ibuki: "what the fuck! are you insane? claiming a spot infront of an enemy"

Kiyo: "I don't want to believe you're an enemy"

what the fuck? now this monster is playing goodie goodie. What is he thinking? I can't understand him at all

Ibuki: "whatever" 

Really, these 2. Shiba, Ayanokoji, I cant understand them at all

Ayanokoji then walked to the tower's direction

Timeskip, 9 AM

Kiyotaka POV

We're now just doing our things. Eating, discussing plans for the next days, and chilling.

This is getting boring to be honest

Kiyo: "Hirata"

Hirata: "um, yes?"

Kiyo: "I'm going to visit other class's base. Is it fine?"

Hirata: "um, sure"

Suzune: "I'm coming with you"

To my suprise, Horikita also wanted to come

Kiyo: "well, I see no problem with that. What about you, Shiba?"

Tatsuya: "of course"

But before we left, we saw a rather familiar figure

???: "One day has passed so I was wondering what had happened. I came to check your situation. You've seized a good place." 

He was honestly interested looking at the base camp from a riverside. It didn't seem he had an especially ulterior motive. 

Hirata: "Indeed, you are... class B Kanzaki, right?" 

Hirata seemed to recognize Kanzaki since he remembered his name. 

Kanzaki: "Have I surprised you? Sorry, it wasn't in ill intention." 

Apologizing, Kanzaki turned his back on us and started walking. 

Kiyo: "Kanzaki, where does B class have their base camp?"

 I didn't know if he was going to tell us, but I tried asking. Kanzaki then turned back and replied without reluctance. 

Kanzaki: "There are large crooked trees on the way back to the beach when going along the road from here. There is a camping ground where class B stays when heading into the forest southwest from there. You won't get lost when you enter into large trees. Tell her I won't mind if she comes in need." 

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