Nezu's Lesson

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As the sun rosed so did John. Knowing the it was his first day in U.A John dressed in his suit and grabbed his pistol before walking out of his house. Outside John got in his car and drove straight towards U.A knowing it's still early and the only one's there are the staff. Once he got there he parked right in front or the school's gate and walked in the school. He headed to the teacher's lounge where he saw most of the staff members and nezu chatting but when they saw they all shut upped in an instance.

Nezu: M Mr. Wick what brings you here so early

John: Just give me my schedule and I'll be off

Nezu: O Of course h here you go

Nezu handed John his schedule and as soon as he got it John left the lounge heading towards his homeroom to wait for school to start. But back with the staff they just stayed in the lounge talking about how nezu is scarred of him. But Aizawa decided he had enough and asked nezu.

Aizawa: Alright im tired of this what the hell about him scares you nezu

Nezu: It's hard to explain

Aizawa: try me

Nezu: Fine Mr. Wick is very known in the underground world

Aizawa: If he's so well know how come i've never heard of him

Nezu: Oh you have do you remember that old gang you were after two years ago

Aizawa: How could I forget when I found them they were all dead

Nezu: And did you ever find the person responsible for that

Aizawa: No after a month passed we moved on and the case turned cold

Nezu: Well now you do Mr. Wick was hired to kill those men

Aizawa: Wait that kid killed all of those men

Nezu: Yes

Vlad: Then how isn't that villain in prison

PresentMic: Vald's right how come he's not locked up

Nezu: That's because he was hired to deal with a problem the united nations had a while back

Thirteen: The United Nation's hired him

Nezu: Yes he was hired to assassinate North Korea's dictator and his family ending the dictatorship there in return he was given diplomatic immunity in every nation in the united nations

Aizawa: So we have a trained assassin that could literally get away with murder with out us being able to arrest him

Nezu: That is correct but you don't have to worry much he only kills those he knows deserve it

Vlad: So anyone he wants

Nezu: No he doesn't kill the innocent he only kills those who deserve it like murderers and rapists

Midnight: Sir how come you know so much about him

Nezu: That's because i've hired him in the past

Cementoss: Why would you hire him for sir

Nezu: I hired him to kill the bastard the experimented on me but after he finished his assignment we kept in touch

Snipe: By the sounds of it you two seem like friends but why are you scared of him

Nezu: That's because I know what he's truly capable of. Even though im fine with it every time I meet him face to face my instincts just tell me to run

Aizawa: So you're mind is literally telling you that he's dangerous

Nezu: Not just me every animal that comes near him runs away from him

Midnight: Is there anything else we should know about him before class starts

Nezu: Yes Mr. Wick seems to have a deep hatred towards both All Might and Green Telek

Vlad: So what he hates heroes

Nezu: No he doesn't hate heroes he just hates All Might and Green Telek

Aizawa: So we should keep those two away from him

Nezu: That would be a wise choice but do remember not to have your students anger him

The school bell ranged and the staff headed towards their classrooms but back with John he saw students entering the classroom. He was fine at first but when he saw two certain people enter the class he grew a little angry but he kept calm. After awhile a kid with blue hair started yelling at bakugou about his feet on the desk and respect but it started to escalate with bakugou about to attack the other student but they both stopped after hearing a bang. Everyone looked at the direction the noise came from and saw John pointing a pistol between bakugou and the blue haired kid but soon after this aizawa entered the room.

Aizawa: Mr. Wick put that away and for you two if I catch you fighting one more time i'll expel both of you

???: Sir are you serious you're going to expel us for a fight but that student who just fired at us and he's not getting any punishment

Aizawa: Yes now sit down so I can start the class

Everyone sat down with a girl with long black hair is left standing due to there not having enough seats. Seeing this John offered the girl his seat while he stood in the back of the class.

Aizawa: Alright im Shota Aizawa and I'll be you teacher for the next three years. And as you noticed there is a seat missing which is due to having a late enrollment. But enough with that everyone get changed and meet me in the training field

Aizawa pulled out gym outfits from under his desk which the students took and headed to the changing rooms while John just headed outside with aizawa and waited for the class.

Aizawa: How come you didn't change

John: Im already wearing my field suit there's no point in changing

Aizawa: Whatever just don't shoot any of your classmates

John: Alright but you have to keep them in line if you don't then I will

Aizawa: You're gonna be a huge problem

John: So will you eraser head

Aizawa: H How

John: I did some research I know every staff member here so don't try anything cuase you're quirk won't work on me

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