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John I. Wick has been wondering the city for a week now and has trying to find both Shigaraki and All For One but so far he hasn't been able to kill them. He has ran into Shigaraki many times but he alway seems to escape with the help of his misty friend but he has found out that they're planning to go after All Might. After finding this out he started thinking on whether he let him go until All Might is dead or use All Might to bring them to him. Pondering over this he decided to avenge his fiancé and not let his past come in between that so he went to U.A to collect on an old favor. He headed towards U.A seeing the streets with heroes flashing off their quirk which frustrated him so he sped off to U.A. After arriving he was able to pass through the security system with ease and head inside the school. John was getting looks from the students but it only made sense seeing that his suit was a mess it was shredded, covered in bullet holes and blood. He kept walking towards Nezu's office until he bumped into Eraser Head.

Eraser: Who are you

John: Im John I. Wick. Now if you excuse me I have to meet up with Nezu.

Eraser: Hmm i'll go get him you just stay in the teacher's lounge

John: Fine but just tell him "baba yaga is here"

Eraser: Fine just go wait in the lounge

As John headed to the teacher's lounge to wait for Nezu. Aizawa went to Nezu's office to tell him that he has a visitor so once he was at Nezu's office he knocked and went in after hearing a come in.

Nezu: Aizawa what brings you here today. Is it your students again

Aizawa: No you have a visitor here. He's currently waiting for you in the teacher's lounge

Nezu:(confused) I didn't expect any visitors today

Aizawa: He also told me to tell you "baba yaga is here"

Nezu:(scared) did- did you say baba yaga

Aizawa: Yeah what's the matter you got all scared after hearing that

Nezu: Come on we can't leave him waiting

As nezu quickly got out of his seat and started heading to the teacher's lounge Aizawa ran to catch up with him confused on why Nezu was acting this way.

Aizawa: What's wrong you i've never seen you act like this before

Nezu: I'll tell you later we first need to talked with John Wick

Still confused aizawa just kept following nezu until they were outside of the lounge with most of their co works standing there

Aizawa: Why's everyone standing here

Mic: Well we would be in the lounge but there was a guy there and Vlad got into a fight with him

Aizawa: Then why aren't you helping him

Snipe: Just take a look and you'll know

As both Nezu and Aizawa took a peak into the teacher's lounge they saw Vlad on the ground covered in blood with a broken arm and a pencil sticking out of his leg. They then look at the staff and replied

Aizawa: Never mind

Nezu: I should have warned you about him

Ectoplasm: You know him principal

Nezu: Yes but i'll tell you about him later

Nezu walked into the lounge with the staff behind him. Ectoplasm sent some clones to take Vlad to recovery girl while everyone stood in front of John who was sitting on the couch

Nezu: John it's been a while. My condolences about your fiancé.

John: Thank you nezu but enough with the small talk this is about business

Nezu: of course so what brings you here

John: It's about your new teacher he seems to be a target to my target

Nezu: He is a target to many people but how is he related to you

John: Well my target took everything from me and I haven't had any luck getting him

Nezu: Oh so this is personal. But if you wouldn't mind who is your target

John: He goes by Tomura Shigaraki but he leads to someone both you and your new teacher want dead

Nezu: So you're after him

John: Yes so im here to cash in a favor you owe me

Nezu: Of course and what will that be

John: I want to enroll into your school

Nezu was shocked by what he said but that shock turned to fear after Aizawa spoke up.

Aizawa: Now hold up if you want to get in here you gotta take the exam and that has already ended

Nezu scared hit Aizawa shutting him up and shocking his entire staff by what he did. They have never seen him ever raise a paw to anyone.

Nezu: Sorry about him and of course you're enrolled you can start tomorrow. We'll send you your uniform

John: No need I won't have use for one

Nezu: But you must where a uniform

John: And like I said I don't have a use for it

Nezu: O-Of course you'll be in class 1A

John: Thank you i'll see you all tomorrow

As John left U.A the staff followed Nezu back to his office questioning him about what just happened. But with all their questions he wasn't able to understand what they were saying so he snapped


The staff was scared of nezu seeing hearing him snapped but they all ignored it and asked their questions

Aizawa: Sir who exactly is this John Wick

Nezu: He is know as the baba yaga

Mic: As in the boogeyman

Nezu: Yes and that name is an understatement to that man

Aizawa: So what's so special about him

Nezu: You'll find out tomorrow just don't piss him off and keep your students away from him

The staff continued asking Nezu questions about John Wick with him not know the answer to must of them but when midnight asked her question nezu just stayed quiet

Midnight: Sir why did you give your condolences to his fiancé


Midnight:um sir

Nezu:(Sigh) that's the reason why he came here. His fiancé was killed and he'll be able to kill the man behind her murder here.

Aizawa: Wait kill... We can't just let him kill someone

Nezu: it's best you don't interfere or he'll kill you too. And midnight I saw the looks you were giving him and I advise you to not go with it

Midnight: Aww why not

Nezu: His fiancé was just killed last week he must have sometime before seeing someone again.

Back to John who has just arrived home he took off his jacket and walked to his bedroom and stopped infront of a picture of his fiancé

John: I promise I'll kill that son of a bitch soon

John I. WickWhere stories live. Discover now