I Will Never Change My Mind About That!

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A/N: For the remaining chapters (except the next chapter or maybe the chapter after it), their won't be any more pics or gifs from Killing Bite mainly because I can't find any more. So I'm going to try to explain what they doing as best I can without the used of pics and gifs. I was able to get two pics on here though.

Yuuya's POV Flashback

Yuuya: 'Up to this point, I've been drifting through my life.' *flashback of me sitting in a room in front of my teacher from high school.* 'That included college.'
Past-Teacher: "Nomoto, you're going to college, aren't you?"
Past-Yuuya: *nervous smiled* "Yes, I thought I would."
Past-Teacher: "Considering your grades and abilities, this is where you should go." He said pushing a college flyers in front of me.
Past-Yuuya: *looks at it for a moment before nervously smiling* "Yes, of course."
Past-Teacher: "Well, good luck."

   Another flashback to when I first joined the Manga Research Club.

Yuuya: 'And my club.'
Past-Club Member: *handing me a flyer of the Manga Research Club* "The Manga Research Club isn't just full of geeks. There are some cute girls too."
Past-Yuuya: *nervous smiled* "Oh, that's nice."
Past-Club Member: "Why don't you just come check us out?" He said as him and the others lead me to their club.
Past-Yuuya: "What?.... Okay...."

   Another Flashback of me working at a factory. I was packing products in the boxes.

Yuuya: 'And at my job...'
Past-Boss: "Nomoto." *walking up to meet as I turn to look at him* "You can stay late again tonight, can't you?"
Past-Yuuya: *thinks for a moment before looking back at my boss* "Yes."
Past-Boss: "Oh, that's good." *hands me a clipboard* "I'm counting on you."

   Another flashback of me sitting at home watching tv.

Yuuya: 'And dating...'

   My phone goes off as I looked to see I got a texted from one of my friends.

Past-Friend: [Long time no see! You're free tomorrow, right? We're going to pick up some high school girls tomorrow, and we need you to drive.]

    Flashback to when my so called friends had me help them abducted Hitomi as their get away driver.

Yuuya: 'And that dragged me into a real mess.'
Past-"Friends": "Don't be pansy. You're guilty too."

   Flashback to when I first met Leo and he transformed.

Past-Yuuya: "What's going on!?"

   Flashback over, back to present Third POV

Yuuya: *looking up at the monitor* 'What... What should I do?'

   One the ship, everyone continue to watch the fight between Taiga and Hitomi.

Ms. Shinozaki: "It's the tournament's most anticipated match, Tiger versus Ratel!" *the monitor behind her shows the square 11-24 which had 3 Yatsubishi pieces and 2 Koutsui pieces.* "Despite Yatsubishi's overwhelming three-on-two advantage," *the monitor shows Taiga* "Tiger opts to face Ratel one-on-one! Could this confidence come from winning the previous tournament?" *gets more excited* "In any case, this did not end in a single blow!" *monitor switch to Hitomi who was smirking showing her fangs* "Ratel got back on her feet, despite receiving Tiger's Kohou attack!" She shouted as the people cheer in excitement while the remaining players were either in their own thoughts, not interested with the fight, or just looking at the game board, but Yuuya is watching nervously.
Yuuya: "Hitomi..."

Killing Bite Harem x Shota Dragon Brute Reader /THIS IS NOT A CHILD  READER BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now