Who Cares?

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At square 11-24, Kaede was walking towards Hitomi who was still on her hands and knees. Den laughed as he was watching the whole thing.

Den: "I guess she doesn't need my help here. I'll leave Ratel to Kaede, and I'll go have fun with Cheetah-" *turns to see that Eruza was gone* "Wait, where did she go?"

   Suddenly he got slashed at his right eye as blood goes everywhere. Den scream in agony as Eruza lands between Hitomi and Kaede.

Eruza: "What are you doing? You're supposed to be fighting me."
Kaede: *doesn't seem surprised* "Huh? Was that the case?"
Hitomi: *looking up at Eruza* "What the hell are you doing? She's my-"
Eruza: "Shut up!" *turns to face her angry* "If you try to stop me, I'll kill you first!"
Hitomi: *gets up* "That's rich. You're barely standing."
Eruza: "You're not looking any better." She said before turning to face Kaede.
Hitomi: "If that's the case," *turns to face Den who was still screaming in agony while holding his face* "I'll kill this wiggly one first." She said smiling.
Den: *holding his face* "Ow, it hurts!" *turns to face them as he was now pissed off while missing his right eye.* "You... goddamn bitches!" *pulled is brown jack off as he begins to transform* "Your deaths will be slow! I'm going to spend so much time torturing you, you're going to regret ever being born a woman!" *his full hybrid form as he becomes a human sized cobra, his top half becomes that of a snake. Now sporting a flap like 'hood' that are trademarks of the cobra as well as poisonous fangs. In this form he became more bulky and lengthy make him bigger than most of his opponents and his eye became red.* "This is what we call an overwhelming difference in power!"

   A few days earlier before Destroyal at Sumitomo Zaibatsu's HQ building.

Den: "Well, well, if it isn't Ms. Gecko." *looking at her with a smirk as she was in a business dress* "The Hong Kong mafia muscle who took Killing Bites by storm, winning every match. It's impressive that a girl from the slums climbed to become a president's secretary. You have my respect-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as Kaede got behind him and held him down by the arm.
Kaede: *smirking down at Den as he was shocked from what just happened* "You've done well for yourself too. For an upstart little punk, that is."
Den: *looks back up at her smirking* "Don't underestimate Reptier. It's Kanto's most powerful gang founded by Brother Ryuji. If I hear you disrespecting it..."
Ryuji: "Enough trash talks." *getting their attention as he was sitting on a couch while the president of Sumitomo Zaibatsu, Sumitomo Miyabi, sat at his desk with Akemi, who is also in a business dress, stands beside him.* "Reptier only opens its mouth when it's time to bite down on its prey."
Den: "Bro!"
Ryuji: *smirking* "Sending people like us into the Destroyal, must mean there's a job you want done," *looks at Mr. Sumitomo* "right, old man?" He said with a smirk looking at the bald man.
Mr. Sumitomo: *smoking a cigar* "Exactly right, you scum. Shidoh is sending his pawn into the Destroyal. Whatever he's up to we'lol crush him, along with his pawns. Then we got the boy of a very powerful dragon Brute that the Koutsui Zaibatsu wants for their faction will also be in Destroyal. We can't allowed them to have such powerful Brute in their faction. There's are no second chances at Sumitomo." *takes the cigar out and looks at them* "You'd better not fail. You got that?"

Back to the present.

On the shipped, Yuuya was looking at the monitor with Den on it with a horrified face.

Yuuya: *eyes widen in horror* "What in the world is that? He hardly looks human anymore! He's more like a -"
Youko: *finished his sentence* "Monster." *he looks at her as she was looking at the monitor before looking at him* "Those with strong reptilian factors possess a primal ferocity that separates them further from human beings. When they completely transform, it's only natural their form would be further from human."
Koutsui Woman: *closing her fan while smiling* "In the past Killing Bites, there were stricter regulations regarding the Therianthropes." *everyone looking at her* "Even if they were a powerful Therianthrope that could guarantee a win, if there was the slightest issue with their personal history or personality, they never could become a Brute. However five years ago, when Mr. Shidoh Reiichi became the director general, he unilaterally decided to relax regulations. And as a result," *opens her fan again and covers half her face again closing her eye* "dubious characters including heinous criminals began receiving the Therianthropy operation, creating disgusting, vulgar, and unruly Brutes en masse."
Youko: "Do you understand?" *getting Yuuya's attention* "In other words, both pieces fighting each other on the screen right now, are the grotesque monsters Shidoh has created."

Killing Bite Harem x Shota Dragon Brute Reader /THIS IS NOT A CHILD  READER BOOKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon