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It's been a few days since me and Nanami have officially started our secret romance. We meet every morning before work and chat before we both have to go our separate ways. Even though we both confessed to each other we are still extremely nervous! We really only ever talk at work, we barely spent anytime together out of work. However, that was about to change.

"I think we should go on a date." Nanami suddenly said nonchalantly.

I blush slightly, "H-Huh?"

Nanami clears his throat slightly, "Let me rephrase that. Y/n, I am taking you on a date."

"W-We haven't even gone public yet... what if one of our co-workers see us?" I ask timidly.

Nanami paused for a second to think before coming to a conclusion. "Perhaps we do something together that can be seen as non-romantic. However, only you and me will know the real truth..."

"Wow, nice thinking Nanami! That sounds great but, do you have any ideas of what to do?" I reply excitedly.

"How about we take a stroll through a park?" 

My eyes light up, "That sounds perfect! When should we do this?"

"Hmm... this weekend seems to be a rather uneventful weekend, so how about Sunday? That way we can also make it seem like we could be discussing things the previous day before work." Nanami explains.

I just nod in response. I've been so eager to spend time with Nanami outside of work, but it has been pretty busy around here lately due to Yuji becoming the vessel for Sukuna. I now felt extremely grateful for the free weekend ahead of us. Before I know it me and Nanami exchange our goodbyes. I head to work in an extremely positive mood.

~Saturday Night~

I was extremely giddy, I could not stop smiling. Tomorrow was my secret date with Nanami! I was currently preparing so I wouldn't have to run around in a hurry tomorrow morning to get ready. I opened my closet and stared at it for what seemed like forever. I soon found myself thinking a bit too much, after all it was a walk through the park. On the other hand, I didn't want it to seem like I don't care so I want to put in some effort! I finally settled on an outfit and set in on a chair so it'd be ready for me to just pick it up and get dressed. Next I went to my dresser and opened one of the smaller drawers, the one that contained all my jewelry. Sure, I didn't have a lot of jewelry and it was nothing crazy expensive but I still very much liked my small jewelry collection. I glance between the jewelry and the clothes on my chair, trying to figure out what would work best together. I ended up picking a simple necklace and a simple ring, nothing too flashy. I then turned back to my closet and pick out a nice but comfy pair of shoes for me to wear tomorrow. I smile and sigh happily before getting ready for bed.

~Sunday Afternoon~

I arrived at the park where I was supposed to meet Nanami. I look around for Nanami but don't see him, so I decided to lean against a tree and go on my phone as I wait for him. I scrolled through social media and got lost in my thoughts.

"Good afternoon, my darling Y/n. You look beautiful, as you always do."

I look up to see the source of the voice, Nanami. He was wearing his casual clothes and he looked even more attractive than he usually does. I simple blush and finally respond with, "Thank you Nanami. You l-look very handsome."

He slightly smiled at my response. "Shall we go for an afternoon stroll?"

I nod and walk to his side. We then start to walk together. A few seconds pass before I speak up. "How was your morning, Nanami?"

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