The decision

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As we were walking back home from the park I had a choice, either to forgive him or to say no. I honestly don't know what to do this is the second time today he has tried to get back with me. Oh, by the way it is Micah and I don't understand he has a girlfriend! I finally think I'm over him but the truth is he was there for me when Ethan wasn't and I did kind of break up with him first. I just don't think it's fair to Brittney I'm gonna tell him no and that he needs to go talk to her. Instead of trying to get back with me he should either be trying to work things our with her or break up with her. It isn't fair that he continues to play with Brittney and my emotions. Melanie interrupted my thoughts.

Melanie: You ok, Alyssa? You cried a lot.

I hadn't realized I was still crying to be honest I wasn't aware of when I started crying. I wiped my tear stained face as I finally began to calm down and eventually stop crying. I was now capable of speaking and forming words for the first time in a while.

Me: Yeah I'm fine, sorry I ruined you guys' day at the park.

Melanie laughed and gave me a smile smile.

Melanie: You didn't ruin our day! If anything, Micah ruined our day but I still had a great time. It wasn't your fault and it was getting too crowded anyways.

Betty: So now can we ride out and kick that nigga's butt!?

Melanie scowled at Betty because she didn't know if I was ready to talk about it yet. I smiled at both of them, it was nice to know that they cared about how I felt.

Me: I'm ok guys and there's no need to ride out. I'll be fine.

I was content at the moment I didn't want to think about it too much. However, I didn't notice how many text messages I had gotten! I hope it wasn't my mom, she would kill me for not answering her calls. I pulled out my phone to check, surprisingly I hadn't received any messages or calls from my mom. I checked my messages and they were all from Damien. My face instantly went from frowning to smiling. I think my friend's noticed too and to be honest I think I scared them.

Melanie: Uh, buddy you alright? You're scaring me.

Betty: I think someone is ready to ride out!

Melanie: Betty! Would you give it a rest! She's obviously not ready to ride out!

I looked at them and laughed which frightened them even more.

Me: Seriously y'all I'm fine, stop worrying about me I'm over it.

They each nodded in agreement and smiled. I was glad that they believed me and let it go. I really didn't want to talk about it at the moment.

I was still shocked by the amount of messages I had received from him he sent me 7 messages and I was going to read them as soon as we returned to Melanie's house. On the way back Melanie decided to change the subject and we  ended laughing our asses off because some guy fell. It was hilarious the way he fell it looked like he fell in slow motion! It took him forever to fall! I mean it could've been over but his old ass tried to catch himself and caught a charlie horse in his leg. So he was now limping on one leg and finally tripped over a rock after like 5 or 10 minutes and fell. His face hit the grass thankfully but the rest of his body fell limp on the curb.

Melanie: Pahahahaha! That was the funniest shit I've seen all day! This guy took 15 minutes just to fall! I was too done!

Betty was still laughing loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear and she ended up on the concrete sidewalk laughing. She was laughing so hard I swear I saw her face turn red and a vien popped out of her head. I had to laugh at that I couldn't even get the words out that I wanted to say. I honestly forgot what I was going to say that was definitely a sight to see. It actually, in a messed up way, made my day better. I was in a very depressed state and thought I wasn't going to be able to enjoy my week. But I refuse to let Micah ruin my spring break, he's done enough damage to me, I deserve a break from his bullshit.

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