The park(part 2)

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Melanie: Well I see you have a new mayonnaise! Get it buddy!

Me: He's not my-

Betty: We need to meet yo new mayonnaise!

I busted out laughing, I couldn't hold it in anymore. He is not my mayonnaise I mean man! Damn it! They've got me saying that! But I don't think he likes me like that. It doesn't matter if it does! Yeah, it does you know you like him! No I don't! Shut up! Ah! I need to stop thinking about him! He's not important you don't like him and he doesn't like you, y'all are just friends. We will always be friends. Never anything more than friends.

Melanie: Buddy you ok?

Me: Yeah, I'm fine we're almost to the park! I'm ready to party!

Betty: Oh yeah!

However, the truth is I'm not alright. I couldn't stop thinking about all of the what ifs. What if he does like me? What if he does like me more than a friend? How would I know? This all too much for me to handle right now. I think I should just enjoy my time with my buddies and try not over-think anything. It's always buddies before niggas! I won't lie though I would like to know if he liked me or not. Not that I would feel the same way or anything. Maybe I would ugh I'm giving myself a headache.

My thoughts were interrupted by Betty and Melanie running to the swings.

Melanie: It's my bongaaaloiiiiid!

Betty: Yay! The swings are free!

Sometimes I wonder how we became friends. I can't really say anything though because I'm just as crazy as they are. Just as I was about to join them I felt a vibration in my pocket, I knew I had gotten text message from someone. I didn't care though I wanted to to enjoy my time at the park with my buddies. My thoughts were interrupted as soon as I sat down on the swing.

Melanie: Hey Buddy what do you want to do? We have the whole park to ourselves!

Just as I was about to answer a bunch of dudes started coming out like cockroaches! I was so confused!

Me: What the hell?! Where all these guys coming from?!

Melanie: Well, we did have the park to ourselves, I guess I spoke too soon. But still, what do you want to do?

Hm, I don't know what I wanted to do to be honest.

Me: Um, we could go on the marry go round.

Betty's face lit up with joy, then she got off the swing and went straight for the marry go round.

Melanie: Ok, I'll push first, Alyssa hurry up you old coot!

Me: I'm coming you old coot!

We both laughed at how dumb we sounded once I was on the marry go round, Melanie started pushing. I screamed as the marry go round continued to pick up more speed. I was having the time of my life until I saw someone I never though I'd never see again. Betty continued to scream because she hasn't noticed my shocked and scared face.

Betty: Ah! I'm gonna fall! You didn't warn me in time, slow it down woman!

Melanie: Don't be such a weenie!

Betty: I'm serious Melanie I'm I gonna f-

Betty didn't even get to finish her sentence as her face came tumbling down towards the wood chips. Melanie and I couldn't help but laugh at the funny sight. I had forgotten all about the person, who I hoped I would never see again, and was walking towards the park.

Betty: I. Told. You...I was going to fall!
She glared at us as she continued to ramble on about how her life was in danger. I stopped listening as my eyes focused on the person I loathe who was getting closer to the park. I think Melanie finally noticed who my eyes were locked on and instantly knew why I was in such a shocked state.
Betty still didn't seem to catch the hint.

Betty: Are you guys even listening to me! I almost died and y'all are just ignoring me! What the hell are y'all staring at anyways! The niggas?! Ew, y'all can do better than those crusty ugly ass niggas! I know they coming out like cockroaches but buddies it's not that serious! Uh, hello?! Look are y'all gonna stand there or are y'all gonna tell me what's going on?!

Before Betty could say and thing else Melanie put her hand over Betty's mouth. Betty was still confused and pissed off. Melanie just gave her a glare which basically said, "I am going to kill you if you don't shut the fuck up", Betty decided to stay quiet and listen. Melanie removed her hand from Betty's mouth making sure she would stay quiet. Betty nodded in response. Melanie walked over to me and asked if I was ok. My mouth still couldn't form words to tell her let's get the hell out of here.

Melanie: Buddy? Do you want to go back to the house? I understand if you do.

As much as I wanted to run away I knew that deep down Melanie wanted to stay at the park on this nice day. It wasn't too hot or too cold, it was such a beautiful day and I didn't want to ruin it for my buddies. So I took a deep breathe and smiled.

Me: No, I want to stay.

Melanie gasped and asked if I was sure I nodded and headed to the swings.

Betty had finally caught on to who we were staring at and just told me it was ok if I wanted to leave. I told her I was fine and with that she said ok and went back to sit on the marry go round.

Melanie was on the swing next to me and we stayed silent as the person started to approach us. Melanie looked up and gave the person a death glare.

The person finally spoke the unfamiliar words that I never thought I would hear again.

Person: Alyssa, I'm sorry for everything. Will you please be mine again?

Me: I can't do that and you know it! Just go away please I agreed to be friends, we will never be more than friends!

Person: I made a mistake! I shouldn't have chose her! I'm sorry! I know I don't deserve it but-

Melanie: You're damn right you don't!

He glared at her and continued on with his confession.

Guy: But I want to show you how much I care about you! I need you! Alyssa, I'm asking for a chance for me to prove to you that I can be the guy you want me to be!

I remained silent because I honestly had no idea what to say to that. I didn't know what to believe anymore. All of these forgotten emotions started to come back, hard like a giant punch in the face. Melanie saw me and noticed my weak state she knew I wasn't stable enough to answer his question right now.

Melanie: Listen here you black midget bitch! Leave her alone, you're ruining her time at the park! We were just fine until yo old noodle head ass came strolling by! Who the fuck do you think you are asking for her back! She don't want you! You've put her through so much shit, why in the hell would she-

Me: Melanie.

Melanie stopped to look at me, because I now looked numb. She looked at me with concern.

Me: Look I'm not stable enough to handle anymore heartbreak I'm gonna think about it but seriously right now my answer is no.

My voice was barely audible as I tried to hold back the tears in my eyes. I went from being happy to being really upset and hurt. I can't keep going back and forth with him. I know he isn't effected by it but I'm emotionally tired of dealing with all of his bull. That's what he does he makes up some bullshit excuse, then I believe it, and then he breaks my heart all over again. A girl can only take so much heartbreak. I honestly don't think I'm emotionally ready for another relationship. I won't deny that I miss him so much though, we had our good times believe it or not. I'll definitely need to think about this. For now I'll just leave.

Melanie: Come on buddy it'll be ok, don't cry. Let's go home.

Betty: This ain't over.
She said as she glared at him.

Guy: At least think about it!
I heard him yell in the distance.

~Authors note~
This chapter was kind of short, it'll be longer next time I had writers block. But who do you think it is?
Micah or Ethan? It might even possibly be a new character you never know!
Comment and let me know what you think!

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