Last practice

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The whole team agree'd that our last practice will just be hanging out, we got snacks and borrowed the film clubs projector and a scary movie, I didn't want to watch a scary movie but we all voted and I was the only one who voted for "a dogs purpose" which is a light movie about a dog, but no, everyone picked scary movie. We used come spare nets as cushions to sit on and we bought snacks for everyone, it was all a nice set up.
It was all nice but I couldn't focus on the movie at all, not like I really wanted too, all I could think about was college like what's going to happen? Am I still going to be friends with Kageyama? Will he even want to be friends? Will I stop liking him this way?
To clear things up, I like Kageyama, not just friend like I mean I like like him, I love him but I don't think he likes me in that way, he hasn't given me any kind of clue at least.

Back to the movie, the main character had just discovered her boyfriends dead body letting out a bloodcurdling scream that made me jump, I wasn't paying attention and it caught me off guard, once my heart calmed down and stopped pounding like I was in a game I could hear the sweet sound of Kageyama snickering beside me.
"What's so funny?" I asked him knowing full well he was laughing at me for getting scared.
"That was adorable" he was joking, he had to, there's no way he would mean that.

Now that I think about it he's quite close, too close for me to not have noticed, how did I not notice?
Holy shit my heart is beating out my chest, not only is this film have a ridiculous amount of jump scares but I'm sat shoulder to shoulder with him and every time I jump I feel like I'm about to jump onto his lap on accident, I need to stop thinking about one of the two things that are freaking me out at the moment otherwise I'm going to explode.

God, Kageyama is so close, every time he laughs at me I feel safe, like I hadn't just got the shit scared out of me, he looks amazing too, not in his uniform or kit but in his everyday clothes, I barely see him like this it's nice, feels fresh, now I'm fidgeting, damn it, when he dresses so casual it makes me really want to pounce on him, straddle his torso and take his shirt off, run my hands down his stomach feeling his abs and have him make me his, but that would never happen, he would never do that and I would never do that, I'd be so embarrassed.

And like always life likes to fuck with me so of course the film got to a sex scene, making it worse, even Kageyama looked uncomfortable too, the younger guys weren't uncomfortable at all and were talking about how they'd "hit that", I want to leave this shit is too scary and I am so uncomfortable now thanks to that sex scene.
I got up and left about 15 minutes after the scene so that it didn't look like I was leaving cause I had a hard on,everyone would tease me if I left any sooner, I just had to get out.

Is this goodbye? Don't let it be goodbye | kagehina Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon