telling peter+everyone

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*Aurianna voice over*
This chapter is where i tell peter and everyone that I'm pregnant now on to the story*

*Aurianna walks inside peter's room*

Peter; hey

Aurianna; i have to tell you something

Peter; what is it

Aurianna; I'm pregnant *hands him the pregnancy test*

Peter; omg your pregnant

Aurianna; ya

Peter; what are you going to do how are we going to tell everyone

Aurianna; what are we going to do my parents will freak out on me even yours

Peter; when are we going to tell them

Aurianna; tommorow

Peter; ok come here *peter hugs and kisses aurianna*

*the next day*
Aurianna; I'm nervous

Peter; me too

Aurianna; umm can you say we have to tell them something

Peter; ya sure

Aurianna; thanks babe *kisses peter*

*in the living room*

Peter; hey everyone me and aurianna have something to say

Stefani; oh god no you sound serious you guys are breaking up i knew it

Aurianna; no not that

Peter; actually me and aurianna have something to tell you

Leather; i need to sit for this

Richie; same

Fonzie; same

Aurianna; oh god I'm scared

*peter holds aurianna's hand*

Peter; *while whispering* it's ok

*Aurianna starts crying*

Aurianna; *while crying* I'm pregnant

Leather; WHAT!!!!!

Fonzie; ohhhh my

Leather; who's the dad

Peter; me i am

Leather; so that pregnancy test was yours

Aurianna; yes

Leather; why didn't you tell us

Aurianna; i was scared i didn't know what to say or do

Leather; come here *hugs aurianna*

Aurianna; thanks mom

Fonzie; we will support you we know teenagers make mistakes


Potsie; we know you two made a mistake will support you both

Stefani; I'll throw the gender reveal party

Aurianna; YESSSSSSS mom participate too

Leather; ok ok i will

Aurianna; thank you

*after that day everyone was really supportive but in a few weeks aurianna and peter get to find out the gender of the baby but their was an unexpected suprise that happened that made Stefani cancel the gender reveal party all at once which really disappointed aurianna in finding out the gender of the baby but what could of been the unexpected thing that happened that made them cancel the gender reveal party so stay tuned*

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