Milwaukee trip 1

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*Aurianna voice over*
Day one of my milwaukee trip to meet my dad I'm so excited eeepppp I'm about to go see the house where I'm staying at where my dad lives well thank goodness i have my own limo and fanbase there well time to start my trip yaay.
*end of Aurianna voice over*

Limo driver; where here Miss aurianna

Aurianna; thank you

Limo driver; your welcome miss aurianna

Aurianna; umm do you know when my mom would be joining me for this vacation

Limo driver; Thursday

Aurianna; thank you have a good day

Limo driver; oh let me get the door for you

*Aurianna steps out of the limo*

Aurianna; so this is where I'm staying right

Limo driver; yep and to your mother's request i have to knock the door for you

Aurianna; ok

*inside the cunningham house*
Richie; ok where never gonna get through these auditions if you don't help me

Potsie; well i don't know how to play the piano i only sing

Malph; I'll do it since i know how

Peter; DAD when are we going to finish these auditions

Potsie; faster and sooner i promise

*house bell rings*

Mrs. Cunningham; can someone please get that

Potsie; i got it

Mrs. Cunningham; thank you potsie

Potsie; oh hi

Limo driver; hello is this the cunningham household

Potsie; umm yes it is why

Limo driver; well... Aurianna

Aurianna; thanks

Potsie; omg your aurianna fonzarelli your here in the cunningham household omg

Aurianna; well it is me haha

Limo driver; she's here to meet arthur "the fonz" fonzarelli

Potsie; oh unfortunately he's out of town

Aurianna; what...

Mrs. Cunningham; oh you must be aurianna your mom leather called

Richie; hold on a minute who is she

Mrs. Cunningham; she's leather and Arthur's daughter aurianna

Aurianna; hi

Richie; never heard of you

Aurianna; oh god no no nope *starts crying*

Limo driver; never ever say that to miss aurianna

Richie; oh my goodness I'm so sorry

Aurianna; i forgive but the next time

Peter; omg Aurianna fonzarelli my *potsie covers peter's mouth

Aurianna; aww your cute

Peter; thank you your my ideal type

Aurianna; aww your delusional but don't get jealous i have a boyfriend

Peter; hahaha me jealous no

Malph; oh please you screamed when you found out she was dating British singer hrvy

Aurianna; ok umm so where's my room Mrs. Cunningham

Mrs. Cunningham; oh well Ritchie go show her the room she's staying in or moving in

Ritchie; aurianna follow me

Aurianna; thank you mrs. Cunningham

Mrs. Cunningham; you are very welcome dear

Malph; she's so cute, adorable, caring and sweet

Peter; i know can we please finish these auditions

Potsie; ok let's do this

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