Chapter 5

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There was a buzz of excitement in the air the day the rival schools were arriving, our lessons were cut half a hour shorter and once our last lesson finished we ran up to our dorm rooms putting our bags away and pulling our cloaks on all meeting outside being forced into lines by our head of houses who were complaining to those who didn't look pristine

The light in the sky was slowly turning darker and the temperature dropping causing me to shiver and wrap my cloak around me tighter, a tap on my shoulder makes me turn to my right locking eyes with George

"Are you cold?" He asks

"Yes" I say stating the obvious showing him my unimpressed face

He chuckles "sucks to be you I'm quite warm" he sad opening my cloak as a gust of wind passed us

"Fuck off Weasley" I hiss flicking his head pulling my cloak tighter

"Weasley! Moon!" Professor Mcgonagall shouted "stop it"

I roll my eyes "you're so dead later" I mutter

"Bring it" he says back smirking

I turned around and looked up when I saw something flying through the air, something pale blue being pulled by flying horses, the wind started picking up the closer it got making it colder than it already was, the first years all jumped back when the carriage got close causing everyone else to follow suit like we were a pack of dominos

Once the carriage and horses were on the floor a boy dresses in pale blue stepped out the carriage and unfolded a set of golden steps, he stood back and a shiny black heel came protruding out of the door followed by a tall women dressed in black satin covered in pearls around her neck and fingers

Dumbledore started to clap all the Hogwarts staff and students clapping along following his lead, her face stretched into a smile extending a shiny hand towards Dumbledore

"My dear Madame maxime, welcome to hogwarts" Dumbledore said after kissing her hand

"Dumbly-dorr" Madame maxime said in a thick french accent "I 'ope I find you well"

"On excellent form, I thank you" Dumbledore responded

"My pupils" Madame maxime said moving her oversized hand to to a group of late teens who were standing out the carriage wearing silk pale blue uniforms only a few with scarves to protect them from the cold

"As karkaroff arrived yet?" Madame maxime asked

"He should be here any moment" Dumbledore answered "would you like to wait here and greet him or would you prefer to step inside and warm up a trifle"

"Warm up I think but ze 'orzes" Madame maxime asked

"Our care of magical creatures will be delighted to take care of them" Dumbledore said with a smile "as soon as he's back from dealing with a situation that has occurred"

"My steeds require-er-forceful 'andling zey are very strong" Madame maxime said doubting any care of magical creatures teacher will be able to handle them

"I can assure you Hagrid will be well up to the job" Dumbledore reassured her

Madame maxime and her students all walked up the stone steps into Hogwarts, the girls catching multiple guys eyes from their delicate movements, I turn to look at George and my face lights up when I catch him looking at me

George bends down to my ear "you're prettier than them all darling"

I blush and turn away muttering "stop it"

It was silent for a few minutes waiting to see how and when the next school would appear

"The lake! Look at the lake!" Lee yelled

We all looked over and the black surface of the lake started bubbling, waves were crashing against the banks, a whirlpool appeared in the middle and a black long pole started rising from it, slowly a huge ship rose out of the water and started gliding towards the bank, a splash of a anchor was heard and the thud of a plank followed by thumping footsteps from bulky figures in the shadow

Then the figures came out of the shadows and the bulk was revealed to be cloaks of shaggy matted fur however the man leading them wore fur which was sleek and silver

"Dumbledore!" The leader yelled "how are you, my dear fellow, how are you?"

"Blooming, thank you, Professor karkaroff" Dumbledore replied

"Dear old hogwarts" he said shaking Dumbledores hand with both of his "how good it is to be here how good, viktor come along into the warmth.. you don't mind Dumbledore?.. viktor has a slight head cold"

"It's viktor krum!" I heard people whisper rather loudly across the year groups

My darling-2( George Weasley fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now