Chapter 2

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I came out of the fireplace with George, I instantly dropping the trunk on George's toe and ran up to bill letting myself get engulfed in his arms

"Bill!" I yelled laughing

"Parma violet" he laughed twirling me around

"Damn we can all tell who the favourite sibling is" Charlie scoffed smiling when I caught his eye

"Charlie" I smiled hugging him from behind as he was sitting on a chair

George and I sat opposite Charlie and bill catching up on what's been going on in our lives, then Harry started walking towards us after having a chat with Fred

"How are you doing Harry?" Charlie asked holding his hand out that's covered in scars

Bill then got up and walked up to Harry taking his hand shaking it, before anyone could say a word Mr Weasley came out of the fireplace storming up to Fred

"That wasn't funny Fred what did you give that muggle boy" Mr Weasley asked angrily

"I didn't give him anything" Fred replied defensively "I just dropped it, it's not my fault he went and ate it I never told him too"

"You dropped it on purpose" roared Arthur "you knew he'd eat it he was on a diet"

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked

"It was 4 foot long before his parents would let me shrink it" Mr Weasley responded

George and I high-fived while everyone except for Mr Weasley burst into laughter

"It isn't funny" Mr Weasley shouted "I spent half of my life campaigning against the mistreatment of muggles to have my own sons and dau-"

"We didn't give it him because he was a muggle" Fred said

"Yeah we gave it him cuz he's a great big bullying git, isn't he Harry" George asked

"Yeah he is" Harry said honestly

"That's not the point" raged Mr Weasley "you wait until I tell your mother"

"Tell me what" came a voice from behind us "oh hello Harry dear" Mrs Weasley said smiling "tell me what Arthur" she cut her eyes at him

There was silence and I slightly stood behind George hiding myself from Mrs Weasley's view

"Tell me what Arthur" she repeated

"It's nothing molly" Arthur murmured "Fred, violet and George just-but I've had words with them"

"What have they done this time?" Asked Mrs Weasley "if it's got anything to do with Weasley's wizard wheezes and co-

"Why don't you show Harry where's he's sleeping Ron" Hermione said from the doorway

"He knows where's he's sleeping, in my room like last time" Ron said confused

"We can all go" Hermione said smiling

"Oh" Ron replied finally understanding nodding his head

"We'll come to" George said sweetly

"You stay where you are" snarled Mrs Weasley

I started tiptoeing behind Harry trying to get out of the situation but George caught me out the corner of his eye and grabbed the back of my top pulling me back towards him

"You aren't getting away from this vi" he whispered letting my top go causing me to sigh

Time skip

My darling-2( George Weasley fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora