Chapter 3

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I slowly opened my eyes coming face to face with George, I scan the situation we were in and found out I fell on top of him, I quickly sat up resulting in me straddling him laughing awkwardly when Fred noticed us who was laughing hunched over at the sight he saw

I quickly get off George muttering apologies helping George up, I scan the floor for my bag but I can't find it anywhere

"Violet" someone calls

I look over and see Cedric holding my bag out to me

"Thanks Cedric" I smile gratefully taking my bag off him following Mr Weasley down the hill

Time skip
We reached the tent and I put my things away in the girls tent, I walk out and see Mr Weasley cooking up some food so I go and sit down in between the twins where they left me a space, we looked up and saw Percy, bill and Charlie walking out of the woods

"Just apparated dad" Percy said smugly earning a eyeroll from the twins and I

Half way through our food Mr Weasley jumped to his feet grinning and waving at a man coming towards us "the man of the moment! ludo!"

"Ahoy there" bagman said back happily "Arthur old man what a day eh"

Once Percy caught sight of bagman he came running over stretching his hand out

"Ah yes this is my son Percy he's just started at the ministry, and this is Fred, no George sorry that's Fred, bill, Charlie, Ron, my daughters ginny and violet and Ron's friends Hermione granger and Harry Potter"

My eyes widened matching with my wide smile after hearing what Arthur called me, I looked at George seeing a huge smile coving his face, he laughed slightly and put his arm around my waist

We agreed we wouldn't try to hide our relationship considering Fred still hasn't figured it out we are making it easier for him

"Everyone" Mr Weasley continued "this is ludo bagman you know who he is it's thanks to him we've got such good tickets"

Mr bagman waved Arthur's statement away acting like it was nothing "fancy a flutter on the match Arthur? I've already got Toddy Pontner betting me Bulgaria will score first I offered him nice odds considering Ireland's front three are the strongest I've seen in years"

"Oh go on then" Mr Weasley said defeated "let's see a galleon on Ireland to win"

"A galleon" bagman said disappointedly "very well any other takers?"

"They are a bit young to be gambling Molly wouldn't-" Mr Weasley started

"We'll bet 37 galleons 15 sickles and 3 knits" Fred said as George and I pulled all our money out "that Ireland win but Viktor krum gets the snitch"

"Oh and we'll throw in a fake wand" I added on

"You don't want to go showing mr Bagman rubbish like that" Percy hissed

But mr Bagman's face showed the opposite of distaste he was belly laughing when the wand turned into a rubber chicken

"Excellent I haven't seen one that convincing in years I'd pay 5 galleons for that!" Bagman said excitedly

"I don't want you betting-that's all your savings, your mother-" arthur tried saying under his breath

"Don't be a spoil sport arthur they are old enough to know what they want" ludo said as he pulled out a piece of parchment writing our names downs

"Cheers" George said taking the parchment and putting it away carefully

We turned to each other smirking sitting back down happy with our investment

Time skip
Ireland won, the twins and I jumped over the seats and stood in front of ludo with wide grins

As we were making our way down the purple carpeted stairs Mr Weasley turned to us "don't tell your mother you've been gambling"

"Don't worry dad we have big plans for this money we don't want it confiscated" Fred said smugly

We reached the crowds walking back to their tents everyone singing and leprechauns jumping over our heads, when we reached the tent no one could sleep from the excitement so Arthur agreed we could have one more hot chocolate before we had to sleep, while drinking we all had heated discussion about the match but they stopped when Ginny fell asleep at the table knocking her hot chocolate over, at this Mr Weasley made us all go to bed, Hermione, ginny and I walked to our tent and fell asleep almost instantly

I woke up with a jolt from hearing a piercing scream outside the tent, I looked around in a daze seeing the twins run into the tent looking panicked, Fred ran over to ginny and hermione as George ran to me

"George what's going on" I ask with my eyebrows furrowed

"The campsites been attacked we need to go" he said quickly pulling the blankets off me and pulling me up then grabbing my shoes

"W-what" I manage to stutter out while pulling my shoes on

"Come on violet" George rushed pulling me up running after Fred still holding my wrist

I was running down the campsite to the woods tripping over multiple times trying to keep up with George's long strides, I was looking around and I caught sight of people in dark hoods in groups laughing

When we reached the woods we noticed Ron hermione and Harry weren't with us, I looked around panicking about to go back to the campsite when George pulled me back

"No violet they will be fine" George said

I slightly nodded and walked over to ginny checking to see if she has any injuries, when I saw she was okay I walked back over to the twins checking them also, some time passed and i was sitting next to the twins and Ginny at the trunk of a tree, I started shivering from the cold regretting not picking up a jacket when we were leaving the tent, George must of noticed as he took his jacket off and put it around my shoulders pulling me closer to him

Time skip
We walked out of the tents in broad daylight hardly having any sleep, we walked up the hill to Basil and we manage to get a old tyre as a port key, we walked towards the burrow and once we turned the corner we heard a cry

"Oh thank goodness" she cried running up to us still in her pyjamas "oh arthur I've been so worried" she choked out hugging him tightly "you're alright you're alive- oh boys, violet"

She walked over to us and hugged the three of us simultaneously causing me to be squished in the middle as per usual

"Ouch mom you're strangling us" Fred and George both said

"And I can't breath" I managed to get out

"I shouted at you before you left it's all I've been thinking about what if you know who had got you and the last thing I ever said to you was you didn't get enough owls oh, Fred, George, violet" she said sobbing

"Come on now Molly we're all perfectly fine" Arthur spoke trying to reassure her

My darling-2( George Weasley fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now