She wore a black robe with a gold-detailed sash draped down over her chest. Black crow-like feathers cloaked over her sides, shoulders and back. Her feathers seemed to shake as if they were alive... Breathing?

Were they... attached to this woman?

She shut the door behind her and walked into the room. She then made her way near a chair and small desk near the side of the bed, fully unaware of you being awake yet.

You peer up through hazy eyes, having to adjust at first from your lingering cloudiness. But once adjusted, her appearance was quite odd.

Upon her head she wore a black cloth hiding her blonde, combed-back hair underneath. On her face was some kind of golden caged-like mask, and behind her head sat a weird circle head piece, with intricate designs.

But what strangely stuck out the most was her eyes.
Her icy blue eyes. They were lmost like....

After a few moments of her writing something down on the desk, she finally acknowledges you.

The womans face shifted to a warm smile. Yet with something hidden beyond it. Almost something... sinister. She slowly moved the chair closer to the side of the bed, leaning in next to you.

"Well. Look who is finally awake." the woman said.

Her voice sounded regal and silky, but dark and ancient. Her eyes scanned over your face and body, where you still lay limp.

Through her presence made you quite nervous, you remained still and calm. Carefully watching her every action.

The woman smirks with a glint in her eye. She leans over to you and brushes a strand of hair around your ear. You noticed the gold-clawed jewel piece that hung around her hands. The nail parts of them looking dangerously sharp.

"So calm... None of my prior subjects were ever this calm... Truely fascinating." she grinned.

"Yet. You do seem to be a little weak from the transformation."

She moved her hand to your cheek while checking you over some more. She had look on hear face that was hard to read. It was as if she expected to find something from you. Perhaps something... she needed?

Whatever that could be.

"Your strength is slowly regaining...Though I believe you may have to start 'feeding' soon.

"Now won't you?... Little One." she smirked alittle. She placed her hand on your cheek. With brief hesitation, you carefully leaned into her touch.

She hummed a bit before letting out a quiet sigh.

"It is a pity... I was so sure you'd make the perfect vessel..."

You softly frowned before sluggishly attempting to speak. "W-..Who are-re...yyou..?" "Wh-wher-re am... I-..?"

The woman smiles at your grogginess and silently hushes your attempts to speak.

"You shall address me is Mother Miranda." she says, soft but stern. "But do not fret... You are safe here. And that is all you will need to know for now, child...

"Now go on... Rest Now."

Your eyes start to fall shut again after she finshed her words. After a few heavy flutters you succumb to sleeps' embrace, not hearing her mutter something else as you drift away.

"Hm. I suppose you shall make a grand fourth addition to House Dimitrescu. Well..."

"For Now."

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