Their Unknown Past

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Law's POV

"Well.. we were both children when we first met.. I'll tell you the whole story ok?" I whispered as she watched me. She nodded quickly, listening to me. 

Many years ago

I diverted my attention to the shop before sighing quietly. This island was boring. I slowly walked around before freezing in front of an alley that had a puddle of blood. What the hell? I slowly walked down the alley before freezing slightly. There was a white haired girl at the other end. She had multi-coloured eyes.. one was crimson red and the other was crystal blue. I dodged behind a bin, watching her. She was wearing a black dress with a black scarf. She had two daggers that were drenched in blood and it looked like she was crying. I slowly diverted my attention to the torn apart body that was layed next to her and I quickly covered my mouth in shock. She looked around three years younger than me at the minimum. I watched as she turned to look at somebody. Somebody a lot taller and scruffy. They looked male.. and somewhat strong. "D-dad.. I did it... now... let Luke go.. please..!" She cried as she spoke. I could hear the terror in her voice as she spoke. 

"You haven't gotten us enough money yet. Work harder and he wont have to suffer so much." He growled before hitting her. My eyes widened slightly as I watched them. She was bleeding.. she looked like she was in pain. Her snowy white hair was tainted by both her and the dead persons blood. I think I've seen her before.. A wanted poster maybe? I sighed before sitting down, watching them. No. She's the black assassin. She had a high bounty on her wanted poster. That's why I remembered her. She had quite a dangerous devil fruit.. it was called the Shadow Shadow fruit in the encyclopaedia of devil fruits. She was able to control shadows at will and she could use the shadows to store weapons. She could swap places with her shadows and could extract stronger shadows from corpses. She also had unknown abilities. 

"Just die already.. at this point your useless." He sighed before kicking her and walking away. I was about to get up but she got to her feet as she sobbed. I could tell she was hiding her pain. 

"Stupid.. stupid.. so stupid.." She mumbled, crying. "I just want Luke to be safe.." She mumbled. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. I could tell she was struggling, "I want to disappear" She mumbled before dropping the blades and running out of the alley. I followed her quickly, staying hidden. She dropped on her knees at the edge of the cliff. I hid behind a tree, watching. She was screaming and crying. I shouldn't be watching this.. I sighed quietly before walking to her. 

"Are you ok..?" I mumbled as she looked at me slowly. She didn't say anything to me. I sighed before sitting down next to her, "It's ok if you don't want to speak.. I will sit here until you feel better! I can give you a hug if you like?" She sniffled a bit before shaking her head. I pouted before hugging her tightly. "There there!" I laughed quietly before rubbing her back. I pressed a kiss against her head gently.

Three hours later

I slowly opened my eyes before looking around quickly. She was gone. I pouted slightly before crossing my arms and getting to my feet. I didn't know where she went but I knew that she didn't live in the town. I rubbed the back of my neck before walking towards a small cottage that I had spotted on the hill earlier in the day. I took a deep breath before peeking into the window. She was sat in front of a boy that looked a lot younger than her. She was giggling and she looked happy to be with him. I smiled lightly before watching the man from earlier walk in. He began to hit her.. My eyes widened slightly as the boy began to scream and shout. He was in distress. I couldn't believe my eyes. I shouldn't of been watching. She began to fight back but her body looked weak and I breathed in relief when the man left. 

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