That Incident

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I sighed quietly as I repositioned the beige bag onto my shoulder. My parents should be proud this time. I dropped the bloody knives into a ditch before stumbling towards a small cottage on a flower filled hill. I opened the door and dropped the large bag inside. It was dripping with blood. I sighed quietly before closing the door behind me, "Mum.. Dad.. I'm back.." I mumbled before rubbing the back of my neck slowly. I just hoped they would let my little brother go now. I looked around and my eyes adjusted to the two adults who were holding a smaller body by the neck. 

My eyes widened slightly, "Hey!! What are you doing?! The promise was that I would kill people with bounties.. and you would release Luke without any hesitation!" I growled as they held a knife up at his neck. I was racing towards them but froze when blood squirted everywhere. The stepped back, chuckling at what they had done. No.. why?! Why..?! I screamed as my eyes filled with tears. I pulled his body close to my own. He was no longer breathing.. he wasn't moving. I pressed my head against his chest, screaming. I continued to scream for about half an hour. My throat was all dry and I felt that I could no longer breathe. Why?! Why did he have to die..?! Why did they do this..?! My thoughts were interrupted when smoke filled my lungs. My eyes widened slightly and I felt a pain surge up my back. I couldn't call for help..  I couldn't scream.. I couldn't do anything. I looked down at my brother before pressing a gentle kiss on his head. I slowly picked up his limp body as I felt the fire burn at my face. I walked out of the small house as I stumbled towards the cliff. I took in a deep breath before kissing my brothers head again. I wanted to tell him that I loved him but no words would escape my dried lips. Tears flooded out of my eyes as I slowly dropped him into the ocean. Luke loved the ocean.. so it was only best he could die there. 

I looked down at my clothes which were burning off. I stumbled towards the deserted town before entering a store. I took out the crumpled up notes in my pocket as I grabbed a pair of black shorts and an oversized shirt. I grabbed a utility belt and a gleaming knife. I grabbed some heeled boots and a black eyepatch with a black hat. I slowly looked around before picking up a long coat. I walked to the cashier and placed the money onto the counter. They glared at me and I looked down at the floor. I rubbed the back of my neck. I was so glad that I had some money from the bounties. I smiled at the person before changing into the clothes I had bought right there and then. I threw my burnt clothes into the bin and walked out of the shop, sliding the knife into the utility belt. My back and my face felt like they were still on fire. They were stinging.. it hurt so much. I could hardly breath in this intoxicating town. It felt as though my body was slowly breaking down. I stumbled towards the edge of the island, watching the ocean crash against the rocks. I needed to get out of here.. My eyes were stinging with tears. I was in so much pain.. I just wanted to leave. I slowly looked back at the flower filled field as I watched the smoke rising into the midnight sky. I wanted to scream.. but I couldn't. I could feel my legs giving out and blood dripping down my cheek. My vision was blurring when I heard somebody approaching me. I looked up at the tall man as he came closer. I wanted to shout for help but it felt like I could no longer speak. Just once more.. I wanted to sing a song once more. I cried as he reached out to me. I couldn't tell if he wanted to help me or if he wanted to hurt me.. but I could no longer do anything.

A few hours later

My eyes fluttered open weakly as my vision began to adjust to the light. It was so bright.. it definitely wasn't the sun. I sighed quietly as I lifted myself up using my palms. I never slept on my stomach.. my ribs felt like they couldn't withstand being layed on. I sat up as I threw my legs off of hat I guessed was a medical bed. I slowly rubbed my eyes before looking up at the room. I could only see out of one eye.. I guessed that my right eye was bandaged up. I took in a deep breath before standing on my bare feet. My legs still felt weak when I took a slow step towards a metallic door. I froze when I heard rustling from my side. I caught my breath before turning my attention to a tall man. He had tanned skin and piercing silver eyes. He had black bed hair and black tattoos all over his body. He was holding a sword that had a red ribbon wrapped on it. I could recognise a faded scent among the medical scents. I had smelt it before.. it was his scent. It was strong. I had been lost in thought when he approached me. 

Songs Of Lust (Law x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن