Arcadia The Game

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After an eventful week, me and Big D were walking down a quiet path. I have a cone of bubble wrap in one hand, and in the other, I have a chocolate ice cream with whipped cream, sprinkles, and a drizzle of chocolate sauce. Big D has a bubblegum ice cream with peanuts and salted caramel sauce and other stuff that I cannot describe.

We start talking about what we can do for the weekend, along with how much money to spend. I have been trying to save up money for something and just received news that I will be waiting longer until it becomes available to me, another 2 more years to be exact. It's a long time to wait and I've already been waiting for almost 2 years as it is, but I'm desperate.

Big D reassures me that it'll be worth the wait but he doesn't understand the pressure and situation I'm in; I'm nearing my limit.

During our complicated conversation, something catches my eye. I wander from the path to examine a dim blue light that seems to be peeking from a spot in a dusty window that has been wiped clean. Even though it is still daylight, I was able to see it. Using one eye to look through the spot in the window, I can see an old arcade booth in the corner of what appears to be an empty store.

Taken aback I turn to Big D, who has already caught up to me and wiped another spot in the dusty window to peer in. For some reason it doesn't seem to surprise him one bit and he moves away from the window. With a shrug, he walks around the side of the building, seemingly checking the doors to see if they were unlocked, or maybe locked, I couldn't be sure.

"Ignore it. Not our problem, someone will report it. It could be a trap to lure children or stupid adults." He checks the only door in front of the store but it was boarded up with planks of wood and locked with a strong chain and padlock.

He continues to walk, speeding up a little. I quickly catch up to him and he finally speaks after turning a corner. "Arcadia, it's an old arcade game, just a myth that old people tell to scare the little ones. It pops up randomly around the world in arcade stores, some that are abandoned or in the back of one that is active." Picking at his treat, he seems pretty calm despite what he is telling me. "It has a magical attachment to it, as soon as it appears, you're drawn towards it and have the urge to play the game, but no one has any recollection of the actual gameplay itself." He stops, and turns to me. "Then you're going to ask 'Why was no one with them when they played it, won't that person remember?' But that's the problem though, it only calls one person and if someone follows them to where the booth is..." he pauses, slowly turning his head, his eyes widening, "...they disappear!" he drags out in a deep and creepy voice. "This happens as they turn a corner or go into the room," he continues in his normal voice, "but because it is so sudden, no one has time to follow the person. They only realize the person has gone after a few minutes, but cannot tell what the game was about. It seems like a made up story back in the day and people just invented new ways to tell it," he giggles to himself but he seems to be uneasy. He gives me a sidelong look.

I tilt my head, almost finished with my treat but I continue to pick at it trying to pretend I'm not that interested in what he has been telling me. We both glance at one another. He knows me enough by now that I'll just go and 'take a peek' at it, just to see if it is real or fake.

"No. I mean it," Big D says sternly, knowing exactly what I was thinking. He easily stops himself from walking into something blocking his path, continuing to look at me all the while.

Smiling under my mask, I think to myself, 'But do you really mean it though? We both know you cannot stop me unless you duct tape me to a chair!' I giggle silently at my thoughts, but Big D can somehow read me and isn't impressed. He sighs, rubbing at his eyes with his fingers from underneath his sunglasses.

I know I can be a headache at times but our bond has grown so much over the past year and a half. We're just friends, but recently things have been awkward between us and we're taking it slow. He seems ready to confess something to me so I have been trying to avoid it best I can. I'm still not ready and I don't think I ever will be but he seems willing to wait for me. I want him to move on from me but at the same time, I want "it" to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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