Season one chapter four

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I woke up today I'm three years old . I saw daddy still sleeping so I climbed on him and jumped. Daddy wake upppppp. He cracked open his eye and closed it again. Heyyyy!!!! Daddyyyy wake upppp I'm three years old daddy I'm a big girl now .!!!!
Y/n was still bouncing on my chest. I grabbed her and started tickling her. ( ahhhahahahahhahahahahhaha ) she was laughing. I hugged her close and kissed her little nose. Happy birthday baby. (thanks daddy) I picked her up and we went to get breakfast as soon as we got there y/n was taken from me. Happy birthday sea shell armin told her. He kissed her cheek and she giggled and hugged him back and said thank you. Mikasa came up to her and smiled at her . ( happy birthday y/n ) she said . Thank youuuuu!! My baby said. Alright enough stilling my child I took her back and started running away from them armin and mikasa followed me and started chasing to try and get y/n back . Mikasa ended up getting her and tickling her. She screamed for me as I giggled.  After that we went to training. We ran most of the day and practiced with 3dm gear. As they day came to an end I was happy my little girl was also happy . She went to bed with a smile on her face.
( 2 years after going the training corpse )
We were running through the rain and after we we're slicing titan napes. . Then we went to one on one training. I was challenged by Annie and she kicked my ass. After training it was dinner time. Y/n was now 5 years old. As we were eating y/n was being really quiet. Hey you ok princess? She looked at me with tired eyes . I giggled as she layed her head on mikasa and started falling asleep. Jean was talking about random shit that I got fed up with and it ended up leaving us in a fight.
As they were about to fight I picked y/n up and stepped by them. Gentlemen please. I grabbed erens hand and looked at y/n signaling him to look. His eyes soften and he kisses her head. She has fast asleep. But before we were going to walk away Jean grabbed eren by his shirt and started yelling which made y/n wake up. EREN ended up doing Annie's move on him and knocked him down.
As dad and Jean were going at it Keith came in and he was being scary. Aunty mikasa said that Sasha passed some gas. I giggled
I woke up today we were graduating. Keith was telling us who was at the top of are class I made 5 th and mikasa made first.  I Decided I was going to be a scout.
Dad was giving his scary speech as I kinda got embarrassed because everyone was looking at his crazy side. But dad started crying and ran off and so did uncle armin and Aunty mikasa. They left me :/ . I walked out trying to find them. I ran to uncle armin and tugged on his shirt . He picked me up as we went by my dad. Armin said that he was joining the scout regiment. And Aunty said that she goes we're ever my dad and I go.
We all were looking at the sky full of stars. Y/n ended up making her way into my lap and falling asleep. I held her close as we look up at the stars. We all ended up going back to our beds and falling asleep. As we woke up we went to see the scouts. As we were talking hannes came over hand said hey hey lookey here. He stared at y/n and said wow she grew so much. He bent down to her hight and said hey kid the last time I saw you . You were 2 years old . She smiled.
I smiled and I said I don't really remember you I'm sorry. ( it's ok kid ) he stood back up and faced my dad and said that grandmas death still haunts him. I grabbed dads hand and squeezed it. Dad said that it haunts him to but it wasn't Hannes fault. Dad was talking to him while I zoned the conversation out. Out of nowhere dad ran off. I went to the stairs and sat down while dad was loading cannons. I couldn't see him because he was up too high. But I heard a big explosion I looked up to wear dad was supposed to be and saw a huge titan. Dadddddd I screamed . He couldn't hear me. The titan kicked a hole in the wall I stared running away. As I was running I tripped and fell cutting a pretty deep cut im my side. I screamed out in pain but didn't stop running. I kept on running tho until I was kicked up by a SCOUT!! Hey kid that's a nasty cut you got there .
End 881
Word count 8
Ima go to work now have a good day Human's .

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