Chapter 22: I Didn't Plan On Getting Caught

Start from the beginning

I nodded without hesitation. “I’m not talking about it anymore.” I whispered back. “We’re wasting time. Let’s just get it over with.”

                He pulled my face up to his again, leaving an attentive kiss on my lips. The kiss felt familiar. Of course, all of Noah’s kisses felt familiar. But it felt like the one we shared in my bedroom. The night before he left me with his promise to come back for me. That I would see him again. The kiss was double sided. He was saying goodbye and telling me he was coming back at the same time. I didn’t know how I felt about it.

                I’m not saying goodbye.

                Noah took a step back and brushed a hand across my cheek. “Let’s get it over with.”

                I focused on Noah’s idea for tomorrows date. Noah and I had a date and we were both going to be there. It’ll be our first date. Unless you’re counting the auction, then it’s our second. And we’re going to do normal couple things, like go to dinner and a movie. He’s going to give me a kiss goodnight and we’ll see each other the next day.

                It all just felt too far away. Like it’s not even in our reach.

                Tonight is so far beyond our reach. Was I regretting it? Maybe. But when this is all over, I’ll feel better, Noah will be better, and everything will just be better.

                Now I’m thinking I’m way beyond my reach with all this hope.

                We walked over to the next house slowly and as quietly as possible, the moonlight lighting our path dimly. There were two windows. The one closer to the front was off limits completely. The girl marked the map with a giant red X. We stood in front of the window and Noah took a deep breath before undoing the latch all the way at the top.

                Noah pushed one of the window doors opened as quietly as possible and stepped into the room. He held his hand out for me and helped me over the small ledge. The room was dark, quiet. Scott was nowhere to be seen. “Where is he?” I whispered.

Noah turned in a circle, rushing to all the corners and Scott wasn’t here.

                My heart was beating so fast. They couldn’t have taken him. There would be no way they would know. “This was a mistake. We shouldn’t have trusted her.” Noah hissed, running his hands roughly through his tousled hair.

                Just then a door opened, spilling light into the room, and Scott stepped out.

                He was in the bathroom.

                I didn’t think and ran to him. I wrapped my arms around him without a second thought. He let out a groan and hugged me back. “I’m sorry.” I whispered, taking a step back. “I’m so so sorry.”

                “You guys need to leave. Now.” He said in a low voice.

Noah stepped up beside me. “Then let’s go—”

                “No.” He placed a hand on Noah’s chest, pushing him back towards the window. “Take her and get the hell out of here.”

                “What?” I asked, my voice still a whisper. “We came here for you and we’re not leaving here without you.”

Scott dropped his hand from Noah’s chest. “You don’t understand. He’s on his way here. It’s too late, you guys need to go.”

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