Chapter 21 - Strangers!!

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"New York. I stayed with my sister", I said. I miss Veronica.

"What are you doing here in India? New York is a good place to work, isn't it? Don't you feel uncomfortable here?", Naina asked again.

Why am I feeling that she wants me to get out?

"I like here", I lied. This is the most uncomfortable situation I've been in since I regained my memory.

"Naina, quit it. She's not interested in talking about her private life. Don't bug her", Kabir spoke. I only heard him but I couldn't see his face. My heart melts. He helped me.

"It's okay sister. We can talk about your marriage preparations", Jay said and I glanced at both of them. Is Naina his sister? Now I get it. Both these siblings dislike me. Like brother like sister.

Aashi, endure for some time. You can't survive here for too long, my heart whispered.

The rest one hour passed away without any trouble. Everyone was engaged in deciding venues, dresses and themes for Kabir and Naina's marriage. I stayed silent. Kabir stayed silent. He looked too quiet and shy for someone who is marrying. Their conversation reminded me about all the plans, Veronica and I used to make about Varun and her marriage. 

Only if Varun has not cheated on her, we've been together as a family. I don't have to handle these strangers. I don't even like sitting here with them. They just don't feel like my kinda people. Except for Nia and Dhruv, everyone is so distant.

You forgot to mention Kabir, my heart whispered silently.


Veronica's P.O.V.

I rang the doorbell. Varun was standing next to me with his head bowed down. I ignored him. After one minute, a lady in his early fifties opened the door. She looked at me and then at Varun. Her expression turned from neutral to happy. A smile broke on her face.

"Varun", she said. He bowed down and touched the feet of that lady and then hugged her.

"How are you maa?", He asked and she smiled.

"I'm good. I was waiting for you. This time you came in seven months. Don't you miss us at all?", She asked. Her eyes were moist. I felt sad for her.

Your son isn't worth the tears mam, I thought.

"Mom, she's Veronica", Varun introduced me. Varun's mom smiled and hugged me.

"I've heard a lot about you. I'm so happy to meet you finally", she said.

"I'm happy to meet you too, mam", I said.

"Call me maa. You're my future daughter-in-law. Start practice of calling me your mother", she said as she held my hand and walked me inside the house. My eyes teared up. She's an angel.

I am afraid. This dream of yours will never be fulfilled.

"Where is dad?", Varun asked as he walked inside whilst closing the door behind. I sat on the couch next to his mother. 

"He's at the hospital for his regular visit. Doctors are saying that his health is improving day by day", his mom said and I simply looked at her.

Silent Whispers. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora