Chapter Three

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I think the dumbest thing I have done yet was to go back for the 10 but I just knew it was the right thing to do. The colors around the church turned so gray with that reddish tint glow that showed it was not the church I once thought it to be. Slowly walking back to the church, I walked through those old wooden doors once more. This place felt so unwelcoming and I just wanted to grab my 10 so I could be out the door.

Grabbing for my 10, I was suddenly smacked and with eyes of anger glancing on my face I knew this was never a preacher. This was pure evil that took over once a beautiful home for these town folks to come to give their thanks for their faith. Those people were lured to this place out of their will. This thing knew a church would draw this town in and used their faith against them. Now I came along destroying the plan. The only thing is now I was the replacement. If I can get out of this, I am much stronger than I ever thought possible. I had to be strong, these people who prayed need to be set free so this town can let go of what couldn't be.

I wanted to leave but before I knew it, I was slammed into the wall. Bibles are being thrown and benches dancing around in midair. What have I done? I just couldn't let those innocent people keep suffering. I shouldn't have touched what history left behind because I live the story of their final breath. I may have saved them but who will save me. Tears in my eyes I prayed for the first time ever hoping for once I could be saved. I thought of my fur babies that I loved and adored that kept me safe when I was scared. All I know is I had to keep fighting and maybe this darkness can ease this town to lay peacefully.

The doors slammed shut, I was glued to the wall. The church started coming to life and I could see people of all ages walking through the doors. They came to hear the Sunday sermon which was supposed to be filled with life lessons. They sure did get more than what they ever bargained for. These town folks were locked in and they were starved to death. How I cried being stuck against this old church wall. My heart broke seeing the people of faith suffer and all I wanted to do was set them free so they could go home.

I was blind to what was going on around me. I guess something broke the glass and I was being pulled out. The pressure hurt but I could feel freedom filling my body. I don't know what in the world happened but I was looking into the eyes of the town folk I had just been saved. I wasn't scared to see them Infront of me, their faces with beautiful smiles telling me thank you for saving their town. Even though I didn't see as many bones in the church, I guess setting them free set the town free to live out its final days. How I couldn't thank them enough but instead they thanked me. They saw the money I had left behind. in each building showing my respect to their history. This made me feel good, to be honest.

They weren't alive but they didn't seem to be ghosts either. All I felt and seen was their kindness, I could hear under their breath. "Thank you, so much young lady, for setting our town free. We now can go home to reunite with our families. Stay on this road and keep looking right and an old white truck will take you back home." Then they were gone like the shadows leaving into the break of the night.

Doing as I was told; I followed the road never looking back and to the right was an old farm man with a long silver glistening beard and a smile so welcoming I couldn't help but get in. He never said a word but I soon saw why he was not alive. I could sense he was thankful as he handed me my 10-dollar bill. I refused to take and told him." This is for your old town and a thank you for saving me." A nod with his head and a smile of thanks filled those empty aging lines. I closed my eyes thankful to be alive.

Before I knew it, I heard my dogs barking. Wait I was standing at my door. The truck and old man were nowhere to be seen. It felt like seconds and the ride was over in an hour. How I was now missing those sweet town folks but didn't miss that chapel of terror. Unlocking my door, I went inside greeted by my two dogs. How much I love them I couldn't even explain.

Well back on the old ugly brown-colored couch with a book in my hand. I think I will deal with being comfy before I take any more of those types of journeys. The weirdest thing is I still want to find more abandoned towns to set them free.

Days have passed and the state came through building a new town. My friend's grounds were destroyed by the money-hungry man. Hard to believe that town was only in front of my house laying silent behind the trees. Now and then I still take my walks but the greatest thing is those old town folks still wave back at me. You may not see my new shadowed friends but they are there thankful someone cared about what they loved so long ago.

Remember, it may just be a ghost town to you but hard-working people built them with their love. Lives were lost, blood was spilled and babies were born. They may be gone but those things are still left behind. Think before you destroy a piece of history because you never know when they could come back and save you.

To this day in my back yard, I recreate that old town and when I want to walk, I am greeted by my townfolk friends that have taught me to love. When I am gone, I hope someone has the same respect as I had for those town folks forgotten in the mountains of beautiful West Virginia.

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