Chapter One

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Oh, what to do today? I could sit all day just reading this book on a comfy fluffy ugly brown color couch but I love the comfy. Putting my mental mind at ease of not knowing what to do.

I got my brown and white English bulldog staring at me. Don't ask me what he wants because he doesn't even know. Now my Catahoula leopard dog well he has the right idea, lay on the floor and just sleep the day away till food time.

Now for me, heck I have not a clue in what in the world I want. What can I do in the mountains of West Virginia? I could go to the park and walk the nature trails but no not today. I think I just may take a journey on the back roads to see what I can find.

Okay, so this means I have to get up, get dressed and drink my morning coffee. This ugly couch sure is so comfortable but my mind will only make me crazier. Well, I fed the dogs, they are happy and set. Let me reword this the dogs may have got fed but in their minds, they never eat. I am such a bad person because they feel I don't feed them enough. You can say it is a never-ending battle between me and my fur babies.

Well, just so you all know the babies have their fluffy beds, they have their stainless steel water bowls. They get fed and well at their ideal weight. At least this is what the vet doctor states to me. Yeah, vet kept and healthy as can be. I won't tell you they are spoiled rotten to boot. Okay, thanks a lot, I am supposed to be writing about the journey that I am about to take but what am I doing? Of course, talking about my amazing fur babies. Now it is time for the story of my journey.

Now I can be on my way. Where I will go, I have not a clue yet. The voices in my head will decide. I just don't know if my mind is actually trustworthy. Let me tell you a secret about my mind. It loves to play tricks on me like I will be on my phone and I will walk right smack into a wall My mind says, "you going to let that wall do this to you?" It is like well hello my mind of mind why don't you pay attention so you don't have me walking into things like walls. I do wait for an answer but just go silent like a woman who is mad. Okay, I need to tell my story before I think I am nuts. See this is what my body does to me:

I want to go straight, yet my messed-up head says no turn right down this path. Why in the hell are you telling me to turn right down this thorny path? Mother nature has taken back what is hers. Trees, weeds, and who knows what now grows on this dirt path. But Nooooo! My twisted insane mind moved my feet right. One of those things where you aren't moving and the feet are now in full control. Might as well enjoy this walk while I cross my arms.

Maybe crossing the arms was not such a good idea. I thought getting beat when I was younger was bad. Tree branches smacking your face for nothing has to be the most annoying thing ever. I am growling and cursing this road that is breaking me in lashes. Probably means turn around but I'm already screwed up in the head and I have no understanding of the 'hello dummy you should turn around" concept. The only thing now is letting us see where we are now heading.

The grounds soon start to clear up and YAY! I am finally not getting the whipping of my life, that was just plain brutal, to be honest with you. I have the marks to share with my tree branch war. Anyways there goes my head jumping the gun and switching to other things again. You would wonder how she accomplishes anything with a mind of that of a jumping bean.

Okay, sorry back to this trip I am on. I am happy my feet leaned me towards this way. Beautiful pink flowers outlined in a sweet buttercup color purple weeping to the ground. As if it was crying over a lack of affection being way out here in the middle of nowhere. Something must have been out here at one time for there to be a dirt rocky road leading to who knows who. I mean, I will see what comes into play when I reach my mind's destination. Whenever this could be.

I do notice life has a whole new thing out here. I don't feel alone that is for darn sure. Almost as the trees were speaking, the winds weren't moving and flowers held tears, just upset of what humankind decided to leave behind for the abuse of modern technology life. How this brutal sadness has crept over me wanting to fix what strangely wasn't broken.

I knew better than to keep going but I was curious what was beyond the walls of these trees. I would say 10 minutes in, dirt rocks turn to beautiful white rustic stones thrown upon a road. Felt as if I was back in time staring down to my surprise at what seems to be an old ghost town. Sidewalks loaded with grass breaking through the cracks. Doors swaying on a squeaky one hinge. Windows with curtains of cobwebs hanging. How beautiful nature is when taking back her home.

Old stores still have medicine bottles sitting on the glass counters but I doubt they would be any good. I probably shouldn't be inside but can goods and supplies of all sorts still linger behind. Browsing dusty rotted boards holding up a history long passed. I mean even material still wrapped waiting to be bought. The register well of course pure empty. No, I never get lucky to find any money and even then, it wouldn't be mind to take. The old saying is, never take what is not yours because you just may bring home something you don't want. Out of respect, well I just look appreciating what this town has left behind of its history

I lay a dollar on the old glass cashier counter saying "Thank you for leaving your door open for me. I leave you this dollar to show you I will not disturb one thing." Walking out the door I realized something called me to this town in the back mountains of historical West Virginia.

Slowly walking till I got to the next building that had the green vines breaking through the windows. This must have been a saloon; I still ask if it is okay for me to enter saying, "I won't disturb a thing." Getting on my hands and knees I crawl under the old bar swinging doors. How shocking to look up to see all the beverages lining the ripped silk walls with makeup outlines of what use to be cherry wine wood. How beautiful this could have been before the days of the decay. Lady gowns laying so neatly across the velvet red chairs with red oak waiting to be put on. The weird thing is it was almost like that this town still had some visitors that kept it so alive. This place looks dead on the outside but the inside surely kept its story for all who sneak through the whipping branches.

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