One Promise Fulfilled

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.





"Whispers of the voice"


~Change Scene~

~One Promise Fulfilled~

They were running! They're running towards him and Oyaji! Just a bit more, just a little more!








"NO!" Marco shouted as he saw three figures fly through the sky after one meteor hit the ground behind them, separated, before landing roughly on the ground. Cursing in his mind, Marco tried to go towards them but was stopped by a Vice-Admiral.

"...shame... you..."

The Phoenix gritted his teeth tried to hear the words being spoken by the Mad Dog as he also tried to focus on defeating this man that he's fighting with. He kicked him away and looked up only to froze and stare at the image in front of him.

Akainu was standing behind Ace, aiming for his fallen brother that tried to get up but was too tired to do so.








Silence reigns and then...


"– FFFFYYY!" Marco sat up as he panted heavily, grabbing the blanket that was formerly covering his body rather tightly. Raising a hand and covered his face, that's when the First Mate realize he was sweating, to which he immediately wiped away before putting the said hand on the bed. He closed his eyes rather tightly before opening them and looked at the side where his hand is. He had placed his hand on the spot that was between him and the wall of his room, a spot reserved for someone special to him, someone that was no longer there.

He could just imagine it, the image of her body, curling slightly as she slept, smiling, before stirring and looking at him sleepily and with happiness. But that image was gone as soon as it came because Marco remembered that she wasn't, can't, be with him... She just... Sighing in defeat and pain, Marco stood up from his bed, knowing he no longer had the will to sleep especially with the memory filled with pain present in the front of his mind. He went to his bathroom and immediately wash up and as soon as he was done, he immediately left the room, not bothering to fix the bed, because fixing it would remove any traces it had about her. Not like there was much of a trace, considering she hasn't been sleeping there for months.

Marco closed his room and leaned against his door, inhaled and exhaled quietly before moving away and headed towards the deck. At the deck, he immediately saw the figure of his Captain, making him head in that direction. Whitebeard, who was watching the sea, not holding any of his tankard, glance at his First Mate that was heading towards him, before giving the said Pirate his full attention upon sensing the depressing aura he had.

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