"I just hope it runs." Kiara said.

"Oh, no, she'll run all right." JJ reassured her. He looked up at Scarlett. "Do you mind going to check the other side of the boat, Red?"

Scarlett nodded. "Sure. I'll make sure it's not like falling apart or anything." Scarlett wandered around the back of the boat, stopping at the other side. She ran her hand along the side, making sure she couldn't feel any cracks that Luke Maybank had neglected to ever mention. The sound of a motorcycle approaching caught her attention, but she figured t was Pope and so didn't look up. After a few moments, the boat looking to be in decent shape for something from the 1980s, Scarlett began making her way around to where JJ and Kiara were. A hand grabbed forcefully onto her shoulder, nails digging into her arm. She went to yell in shock (and from the slight pain), but it came out muffled due to the other hand that hand wrapped itself over her mouth.

"Think you and your boyfriend could steal from me and I wouldn't find out?" A voice hissed in her ear. Scarlett's eyebrows furrowed as she struggled to place who it was. Her back was pressed up against their chest as she struggled to free herself from the stranger's grip. "Well, now you're gonna pay." She froze as soon as she felt the metal against the side of her head, the feeling similar to the time the Pogues were almost robbed after trying to pawn the gold. And then she knew. It was Barry. "Don't even think about trying anything or I'll blow your damn brains out.

It was then that Rafe showed up, barely sending a glance at Scarlett before walking around the boat. Barry followed after him, shoving Scarlett forward. He moved the gun, pressing it up against the middle of her back instead of her head. "Hey, there. What's goin' on?" Rafe asked, looking over at Kira and JJ. "JJ? How you guys doin'?" JJ looked up after hearing his name, his face faltering when he saw who it was. He shared a worried look with Kiara, the two wondering where Scarlett was.

"Whoo-hoo!" Barry whistled, walking around the front of the boat. He shoved Scarlett forward, keeping her in his grip, as they stepped over the trailer hitch. If it was possible, JJ's face fell even more when his eyes landed on Scarlett and the gun he could see was being pressed up against her back. "Well, well..."

"Get your fucking hands off her!" JJ demanded through clenched teeth as he stared at Barry.

Barry looked as if he was considering JJ's words, before cocking the gun and shoving it harder into Scarlett's back. "I don't think I will. See, I know she means a lot to you. And I also know that you stole from me. And either way, I'm gonna make you pay." He stopped walking, holding tightly onto Scarlett as he stood right in front of JJ. "And if I have to kill her to do that, I'm gonna make you watch." Fear shot through Scarlett's veins, and she stared at JJ with a face full of worry.

Kiara looked back and forth between Barry and Scarlett and JJ. Finally, she turned to Rafe. "Rafe, make him let her go!" She cried.

Rafe simply shook his head at her as Barry continued talking. "You took something from me. It would be a real shame if I took something from you." Scarlett felt the gun move deeper into her back. She'd been shot at before- an alarming amount of times in the week just gone- but none of those ever felt like the end. This felt like the end. This was the scariest moment of her entire life. And she'd hate for JJ to have to watch. Shutting her eyes out of fear, Scarlett missed JJ as he ran forward. Barry shoved her away from him, and she fell into Kiara's arms. Her breath was shaky and heavy from the fear of the gun being so close to her skin. When Scarlett finally opened her eyes, she was met with the site of Barry pointing the gun straight at JJ- the blonde boy holding his arms up in the air.

"JJ-" Scarlett breathed, wanting the boy to know she was okay.

"See, don't think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road." Barry sneered. He took a few threatening steps closer to JJ. "I'm here because I want my motherfuckin' money." Scarlett cried out in fear- as did Kiara- as Barry reached forward and grabbed JJ by the neck. Barry forced JJ towards the ground, ramming the gun into his stomach.

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