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// kskks I'm so sorry for not writing, life is hectic! Hopefully this chapter is a good comeback to this story! <3

(Y/N) helped Sarv water plants, pacing the garden with the watering can facing downwards, spraying water over the beautiful variety of flowers. "Hey Sarv, what flowers are these?" She asked, making the tall nun gasp as she strode over with her veil billowing behind her. "There's so much I can tell you about flowers! But these my dearest (Y/N) are Sweet Peas! Here." Kneeling down, Sarvente plucked one of the flowers from the ground and placed her hand underneath (Y/N)'s chin.

Tilting the girl's head softly, she tucked the flower neatly behind (Y/N)'s ear, moving stray bits of her hair back behind her ears with her sleek fingers. "There we go! You look so cute!" The nun happily clasped her hands together, making (Y/N) grin and touch the delicate petals of the flower. "Aw, thank you Sarv- Wait!" The woman grabbed the nuns wrist before she could stand back up, earning a soft 'hm?' from the Neapolitan coloured lady.

(Y/N) picked a sweetpea from the nun. "Oh! Sarv, do you have any uh-" the smaller woman pointed to her hair. "Sorry if that sounds a bit rude!" this question earned a laugh from Sarvente, placing a clothed hand to her chest. "Of course! Please, excuse me." Sarvente placed her hands on her veil, lifting it up so her beautiful pink locks could fall back into place. Setting her veil on the floor, Sarvete turned back to (Y/N) with a smile.

"Woah, I didn't know your veil was hiding that! Your hair is gorgeous!" (Y/N) complimented, tucking the pastel pink flower into the nun's hair after she crouched down so (Y/N) didn't have to climb her to reach her head.

"You two are going to make me throw up." There was suddenly a deep voice from the patio. It was Ruv, looking tired. His jacket was wrapped around his built frame, his ushanka in his hands and his eye looked strained and slightly tired. The man's smokey amethyst hair was extremely messy, obviously from where he's been sleeping.

"How's your bandaged hand doing?" (Y/N) questioned, only earning a simple response from the much bigger, Russian man. He showed her that the bandages were still there, slightly reddened from blood. He hadn't taken it off so he couldn't give a proper response.

Sarvente rolled her eyes with a giggle, standing back up. "Good morning to you too, Ruv. Don't be so gloomy! It's a nice morning and you're going to dampen it with your attitude!" The nun spoke half-heartedly, adjusting the flower in her hair.

Ruv couldn't deny, she was very correct.

The sun shone brightly, light peeking through the trees sheltering the garden. It was beautiful as usual. Trimmed tulips, gorgeous roses, evenly cut grass- everything was perfect. A true summary of a perfect morning.

Ruv wrinkled his brow, scoffing at his thoughts. He ran one of his hands through his hair, it falling back into place like it had no knots at all. So soft and silky. "Whatever." His attention turned back to the two girls, his face still as placid as ever as he placed his ushanka back over his hair.


"Yes, Ruv?"

"We're out of milk."

Sarvente couldn't even respond before Ruvyzvat turned around and walked back into the church. (Y/N) and the tall nun were left there speechless. "Do you need me to grab some? I need to go shopping anyway, it wouldn't be a trouble!" (Y/N) suggested.

"Oh my darling (Y/N), that's so sweet! Would you allow us to accompany you? I don't want you spending your hard earned money on us!" Sarv suggested, clasping and interlacing her fingers cheerily.

(Y/N) nodded her head with a smile. "Of course! I need to stop by my place first, you're more than welcome to come with me. I'm not quite finished unpacking so it may be a little messy!" Waving her hands dismissively, Sarvente didn't care about all that. "No worries! Tell you what, why don't we help you unpack? It'll go soooo much quicker if you have a few helping hands!"

"That would be great, thank you!"

────── {.⋅🎤 🇷🇺 🎤 ⋅.} ──────

(Y/N) lead Sarvente and Ruv up to her apartment, fumbling with the keys to open the door. "This seems very homey!" Sarv comments, ducking underneath the door once it was open. She gasped at how nicely everything was decorated. "Why didn't you tell me you were an expert at decorating!?" She hurried indoors and grinned at (Y/N)'s homey area. Ruv wasn't as enthusiastic as Sarvente, but the apartment around him was very homey.

He took note of all the unpacked boxes on the floor. They were labelled 'plates' 'cutlery' 'mugs' and so on. Of course she hadn't been here long, so she wouldn't have time to unpack.

"You two don't have to help, I'm fine, really! Why don't you have a seat? I'll be with you shortly. " (Y/N) crouched down to pick up a box full of plates, putting them on the kitchen side to begin placing them inside cupboards.

Ruv went to sit down on the sofa but Sarvente grabbed his arm harshly. "Ahem. We are helping her unpack." She narrowed her eyes at him, making him exhale in response. Not even he would go toe to toe with a pissed off Sarv.

Ruvyzvat walked over and grabbed the box filled with mugs, his one eye practically glaring at (Y/N). "Where shall I put the mugs?" He questioned in response, (Y/N) pointed to some cupboards that were either side of the oven. Understanding, he began to take out each mug and carefully place it inside the cupboard. 'So many mugs for one woman.' The Russian thought, but carried on putting the mugs away.

Sarv helped with placing cutlery in the correct drawer. She was extremely neat in organising the cutlery, wanting it to look lovely and neat for (Y/N). "Is this okay?" The nun looked over to the smaller woman, who nodded massively in response. "Yes, thank you both so much for helping!"

As she was about to speak again, her phone started to buzz. "Oh, excuse me. (Y/N) picked up her phone, seeing that Pico was ringing her.

"Heya toots, how you doin'?"

"Oh hey, Pico! I'm doing good, got friends over at the minute!"

"You've got friends outside me? That hurts, bittie. Even after all our texting."

"Really Pico? We'll have time to hang out, I promise! Does tomorrow sound alright? We can go for a walk, maybe talk over some lunch!"

"Mhm, sounds good, doll. I'll pay this time, ain't gonna make ya pay for all our food. I'll see ya then, (Y/N). Then again I could pop to your crib, we can make lunch there"

"Ooo okay, be at my place for 12.30 tomorrow in the afternoon!"

" 'Kay, toots, see ya tomorrow."

Hanging up, (Y/N)'s phone buzzed to signify a message.

You have [1 message from] 🍃Pico 🦰

- see ya tomorrow, toots. have fun shopping :)) see ya at your place for 12.30 🤟🤟

"Who was that? Your boyfriend?" Sarvente questioned with a tease, nudging you with her elbow. Ruv crossed his muscular arms and leant against the wall. He didn't like the sounds of this Pico character.

(Y/N) shook her head. "No, no! That's just Pico, he's a friend of mine. Quite a friendly dude. Anyway, shall we get shopping? You two literally helped me pack the last three boxes I had."

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