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(Apologies if this introduction is short, I wanted to get this story out as soon as possible!! I promise you all that chapters won't be this short! Enjoy the introduction! ^v^ )

Excitement bubbled in (Y/N)'s veins as she parked her car outside the building housing her new apartment, a wide smile on her face.

"This is where your life can only get better!" She spoke to herself, tapping a small, upbeat tune on the steering wheel. The woman turned around, grabbing a few bags which she had brought along with her. Hopefully the moving van would get here any minute!

She stepped out of the car with a spring in her step.

Shoving her keys in her pocket she began dragging the many bags all the way towards the main entrance to the apartment building. There was a note on the door, written in impeccable handwriting. It read 'Welcome, (Y/N)! Welcome to the city, just get yourself inside and verified first! Hope you enjoy it here! :)'

(Y/N) frowned quietly, ripping the note from the door. Too bad it wasn't signed, she would've have liked to thank whomever wrote it.

Folding the scruffy piece of paper, she placed it in her pocket before pressing one of the many buttons on the metallic buzzer present on the wall.

"Hello?" A voice spoke, they sounded old and female. "Oh, it's (Y/N) (L/N)! I'm here for..apartment number 8, if I'm not mistaken?" She replies confidently, listening as there was a rustling of paper on the other side of the line. "Yes, dear, that's you. Please, come in and make yourself at home!" There was a 'click!' as the front door was unlocked.

"Time to unleash my ninja skills." (Y/N) raised her leg, pushing open the door so she could drag her way inside while keeping the door open by pressing her back to it. "Skillsss."

As she turned to walk upstairs, she felt a tug on her jacket. The side of the material had gotten caught on the stupid handle. "Oh you shit swizzler." She hisses, letting go of one of her heavy backs to remove her jacket from the handle. What a way to completely ruin her good mood.

Grabbing her bag once more, she trudged her way up the stairs with many grumbles and hushed profanities. Luckily, she was already given the apartment keys but today was the day she would be permitted to move in.

Her apartment key was luckily attached to her car keys, so she wouldn't have to fish through all of her bags to find the cut piece of metal.

Pulling out her keys, she stood in front of apartment number 8 and unlocked the door, pushing it open as the hinges groaned softly. Inside was bland, nothing really in it as of yet, but it was full of infinite possibilities!

(Y/N) used her foot to force her bags inside, watching them grind their ways over the carpet. Once they were inside, she closed the door behind her and observed her new space with a smile. She inhaled and exhaled proudly, putting her hands on her hips.

"This is gonna make a wonderful home, I just know it! And I know this city is going to be awesome."

𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆 𝘼 𝙇𝙀𝙂 // 𝙍𝙐𝙑 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now