~•~Coronation day sniffles~•~

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Hello! Welcome back to another chapter!

I don't have any chapter warnings for this one but if you have any please do let me know and I'll add them!

I actually don't know anything about coronations. I just briefly remember watching frozen like, a year ago and just went off that.

Anyways, enjoy!


It was coronation day for the newly adopted prince of the Arctic empire. It had only been 3 months since Wilbur found him, but the entirety of the Kingdom was already fond of him.

At first the family was weary of another, mainly the eldest twin Prince. But the second the young blonde had clung to his leg with the big smile on his face. Technoblade had decided that they were keeping him.

It was being held at the church, which is where they were currently getting ready for the massive event.

Wilbur and Techno stood nervously to the side of the platform as they watched people from all over the kingdom file in and find their seats.

The priest walked out and the room and the loud  buzz of the room started to die down, seeing as this was a sign the coronation was about to commence.

Soon after the choir started up and the smell of floral incense wafted through the air. Hundreds of heads turned towards the larger church doors as they started to open.

People were silently awing as King Philza made his way down the aisle with a soon-to-be prince Tommy holding his hand.


After a pretty teary eye after party that definitely didn't end in a massive family hug, it was time to go back to the castle.

Tommy seem to be very tired by the time they got back home. Which, ok, that's understandable, they were just at a massive party with loud music and a bunch of people. But this seemed different, Tommy seemed loopy, almost not fully there.

But regardless, Tommy went up to his room and took a very manly and grown up afternoon nap. That nap started to cut in to dinner time though, and Philza Dad instincts (and Bird brain) where starting to get worried.

It didn't take long for Tommy to quietly stumble into the dining hall, wait, quietly? now the family was really worried. Normally the child would, very loudly, announce his presence in any room.

"You doing okay toms?" Wilbur questioned, only growing more concerned when Tommy's only response was making his way to Philza and climbing in his lap.

The nearly finished meal was quickly forgotten when Tommy let out a lung rattling cough followed by a string of sneezes.

"M' t'red." Tommy slurred, his speech being muffled when he shoved his face in the of crook his neck. "Do you wanna stay in my room tonight, kiddo?" Phil asked, his wings ruffling slightly in worry. When Tommy let out a noise of affirmation, Philza easily picked up the six year old and comfortably cradled him in his arms, steadily making his way out of the dining hall and to his quarters.

Technoblade was up right after, swiftly making his way after their father and brother with Wilbur right on his tail.


Wilbur's guitar was discarded to the side and the fire had long since burned out but they were all content cuddled together with Phil's wings gently draped over them.

And even with a stuffy nose a small gentle smile was place on the sick prince's. This is a day he would never forget, the rest of the Kingdom wouldn't either. The soft embrace of his family and the gentle hand running through his hair was the last thing he processed before drifting off to sleep.

"Happy coronation Day Theseus."

Techno whispered, fondly looking at his brother before closing his eyes and going lax against Phil's side.


This felt lazy and rushed but I wanted to give you all something this week.

Well regardless, I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!

Love you all!

-Mint <3

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