☀︎︎ Chapter Nine ☀︎︎

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I rushed over to Cindy, pretending to have been looking for her anyway, but saw tears run down her face from the conversation between her and Ziggy.

"Hey, hey, Cindy," I said, softly, pulling her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around my neck, sniffling into my shirt.

I let go, putting her in front of me. She didn't seem to want to look me in the eye, so I pushed her face up by her chin.

"What happened?"

I wiped the tears away from her cheek, making Cindy turn red, but clear her throat.

"Like I said earlier, sibling troubles."

I nodded, pulling her into another hug.
She gave me a sweet smile, before properly wiping away her tears and putting on a smile.

"Okay, we need to find Tommy."

I raised an eyebrow at her sudden change in mood. "Why? What are we doing?"

"Sneaking into Nurse Lane's cabin. We need to see why she tried to kill your brother."

I shook my head with a smile. "The things I do for you, Cindy Berman."

She kissed my cheek, making me blush.

"Go get what you need, meet us outside her cabin in ten minutes!" She shouted as she rushed away.

I smiled to mysef, slowly coming to the realisation that Cindy Berman just kissed my cheek.

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I had grabbed my grey hoodie as the Color War commenced outside. I slipped it on and jogged over to Nurse Lane's cabin seeing Tommy and Cindy waiting outside.

"Hello, people. I am here," I greeted, slightly out of breath, but smiling.

"Okay, let's go," Cindy said, opening the cabin door and stepping inside, me and Tommy following her in.

A lamp was still on, creating a little bit of light for us to search in.

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Tommy asked.

Cindy turned around, passing him the keys. "Answers. Me and Isabella will take her office. You can search out here."

"Come on, Cindy. It doesn't matter, alright?" Tommy tried to convince her, but something you quickly learn about Cindy Berman is that she is stubborn.

"It matters. There's a reason Mary did what she did and said what she said. We're going to figure it out now."

Tommy sighed, "Come on, Cindy. Please, I..."

Cindy ignored him, pulling me with her into the office, closing the door.

She huffed, looking annoyed. "Your brother gets on my nerves sometimes."

"I don't think I should be the one you talk about this to," I smiled up at her in the minimal light.

She smiled, back searching through desk drawers. "Maybe you're the only one I can talk to about this."

"Cindy Berman, are you saying I'm special? I am flattered."

Cindy looked up from the drawer, meeting my eyes. "You are special, Isabella."

We kept up the staring contest for a long time until Cindy pulled a bottle of pills out from the desk. She chuckled, bringing them up to the light.

"No label, half-empty. Like I said, she was on drugs."

Tommy seemed to hear this because he pushed open the office door and joined us in the room.

Me and Tommy met each other's gaze both raising our eyebrows. Cindy looked to both of us, biting her cheek.

"Get these to the cops, then they'll tell us what they..."

She paused as Tommy picked a book up from the desk top. A symbol stood out on the first page that said 'Witches Mark'.

"What is that?" Cindy asked.

"'A deal was made with the Devil. Sarah Fier cut off her wicked hand on Satan's stone in exchange for eternal life, scarring the soil beneath with the witch's mark, bringing Darkness upon the land,'" Tommy repeated, reading from the book.

I looked up to see a very unimpressed look on Cindy's face. She looked like she about to say something when glass broke somewhere at the back of the cabin. Cindy gasped, grabbing my hand and I squeezed it out of habit.

We all walked out of the office, Tommy first, followed by me, pulling Cindy behind.

"Did you hear that?" Tommy asked us.

We both nodded as he explored further, book still in hand. I followed him, Cindy being a bit more hesitant, but stuck behind me, holding onto my hand. We all emerged out into the main medical station, looking around.

The Lipstick Stain (Cindy Berman x oc)Where stories live. Discover now