14) 96H

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Chapter 14 | 96H

Song | Message In A Bottle (by The Police)


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WARNING: Trigger for slight depression related to grief

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((((((((((((((( 1 Year Later )))))))))))))))

I sat in the common room of the ship by the window looking at the space hoping to see anything, the smallest thing that could lead me to a clue about where Norrin is...as if that could happen this way, we only have heard about where he has been but as soon as we arrive to that point, nothing, the place is already empty and the planet is gone, same had happened with Carol every time Galactus is in her radar.

"Hey Talib" - called Thor and I turn to look at him

"What's up?" - I ask

"Well it's been...a quiet few months since my last...ummm haircut..." - he trailed

"It's been a year Thor you can say it" - I said to him

"Anyway...can you?" - Asked Thor showing me the bag he had in his hand with the stuff to do his haircut

"Sure, sit down" - I instruct him

Thor sit downs as I told him to, I put the bag on the table and open it taking out first the scissors while putting the hairpins to use it later, I move behind him and start my work grabbing strays of his long hair to cut them short, he usually tense when I do this but for some reason he seemed relaxed.

"Ummm...aren't you gonna put music?" - asked Thor sounding confused

"No, it's fine" - I said while still cutting a new stray of hair - "do you want music?" - I ask stopping for a moment

"I wouldn't mind, after all you always do it with it" - said Thor

"Okay, whatever" - I said and move to the player on that part of the ship and click a button to play whatever song without even taking time to choose it

4) Guardians of the Galaxy | Bonus Track (The M'kraan Crystal)Where stories live. Discover now