Sports Festival - Preparations

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~{ 5.1 - Start (Class C) }~

It was the start of a new month, and a new semester. It was September, and our Summer Vacation recently finished. We were sitting in our classroom, waiting for our homeroom class to start.

Chabashira-sensei walked into the classroom, and with the second semester starting, what should come next is—

"Good morning, class. As of today, you will start preparing for the Sports Festival. The rules are the same as last year: you will be split into two groups, A and D on the Red Team, with C and B on the White Team. Simillarily to last year, there will be both individual and team contests. If you do not remember the rules from last year, please refer to this handout." She passed the papers to the people in the front, which they all handed the copies backwards.

When I recieved mine, I flipped through the pages and found a sticky note on one of them. This will certainly be helpful.

Since we were promoted to Class C, we are on the white team with Honami. We are up against Ryuuen and Sakayanagi, both of them being ruthless leaders and not afraid of playing underhandedly. In order to stand a chance against them, we either have to put up our defences, or also play underhandedly.

When classes ended for the day, I walked up to the teacher's podium.

There is a chance a similar thing happened compared to last year, when Kushida leaked the participation table to Ryuuen's class. 

However, this can be prevented to an extent by using Ryuuen's tactics—In other words, controlling them with fear.

I slammed my hands against the podium to create a loud noise and get everyone's attention. Everyone was now paying attention to me, with the exception of Koenji.

I talked in a colder voice, while showing a bit of my true eyes.

"I'd like to talk to everyone about the Sports Festival. Last year, there was a traitor who leaked the participation table. I will not reveal who the traitor is, but I will give you all a warning."

I paused for a moment to create suspension and tension. Many of them were now sweating.

"Do not go against me. If you dare go against me and the class, I will make your school life sufferable and finish you off with an expulsion."

Now even Koenji was looking at me with a face of ammusement. 

"I've already identified those as potential traitors." I quickly glanced at both Kushida and the potential traitor I recognized on the cruise. Both of them flinched. This confirms that they really is a traitor, as they would have no reason to flinch if they weren't.

"W-wait, K-Kiyotaka-kun, a-are there really traitors in this class?" Yousuke asked me, if it weren't so obvious you were a guy, I would've thought you were Airi.

"Yousuke, there are many things that happen behind the scenes that only some people know about. Take Yamauchi for example. He was manipulated by Class A's Sakayanagi. Last year, there was a traitor who leaked the participation table to Ryueen."

"Hah? Ayanokouji-kun, no offence, but like, aren't you just being too suspicious of us? Like, it doesn't sound like you have proof, it sounds like you're just acting upon a suspicion. Maybe we can talk about this when you can confirm one?" Kei stood up and told me. Since she stood up to me, it should make others feel less nervous to retort. She fufilled her job.

"Y-yeah! Yamauchi-kun was just a simp! I don't think anybody is stupid enough to betray us! We learnt our lesson after what happened to Yamauchi-kun!" One of the girls retorted.

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