38. The Boston Reaper 2.0

Start from the beginning

Tara: "I feel like we haven't sat next to each other on the jet."

Y/N: "Yeah, it's a nice change." You say smiling.

Tara: "It really is." She said returning the smile.

Y/N: "I'm actually really tired," you say while yawning, "Do you mind waking me up when we land?"

Tara: "Oh no, of course, you go ahead and catch up on some sleep."

Y/N: "Thank you Tara."

Tara: "No problem."

You lay your head on your seat and slowly fall asleep for the hour and a half plane ride. Once you all landed, Tara woke you up. You all grabbed your go-bags and Hotch grouped everyone in teams on the tarmac.

Hotch: "Alvez with Morgan, Prentiss with Reid, JJ with me, and Monroe with Lewis. We'll head to the police department first, regroup, then figure out the rest after."

Everyone nodded then got into the SUV's.


Once you all arrive to the police station, you walk into the station to be met by an officer.

Officer: "I'm assuming you're the Feds?"

Hotch: "Yes, we're from the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI."

He began to introduce you all to the officer.

Officer: "I'm officer Andrew Dalton, but you can call me Andy."

Hotch: "Is there anywhere we can convene?"

O. Dalton: "Yes of course, follow me."

Andy shows you to a good sized room complete with a table, chairs, and a bulletin board.

Hotch: "Thank you."

O. Dalton: "If anyone wants coffee, I can have someone make a Dunk's run."

Hotch: "Thank you, but we're all set for now, just let us know if theres any fresh ones."

O. Dalton: "Of course."

Andy leaves and shuts the door behind him.

Hotch: "There's twelve old victims, and one new one over the course of around six years."

Y/N: "Do we know the trigger?"

Hotch: "No."

Alvez: "Well there's gotta be something. No one ever just starts killing for no reason."

Tara: "You never really know, someone out there could be killing right now, and we'd never know."

Emily: "Sorry Alvez, I'm with Tara on this."

Mostly everyone started to agree but then Hotch had to get everyone back on track. After discussing, he gives the groups tasks to do. You and Tara are going to the latest victim's house to ask questions.

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