Angel In Heaven

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Angel woke up from what seemed like a really bad dream. She felt herself on a really soft, fluffy and white thing. Seemed like a cloud below her. She looked around, what seemed like another dream. She was scared yet felt at peace as well.

She then saw an angel flying towards her. It had rainbow colored bandages around their head and abdomen. They looked like Hank.

So little Angel asked, "Dad...?"

The other heavenly angel then chuckled and said, "No dear... I am not Hank."

Little Angel looked at them in confusion, "But you look like dad..."

The other angel then said, "That's because I am Hank's twin."

Little Angel's eyes widened in shock, "I didn't know Dad had a twin sibling!"

The other angel laughed, "That's because he never shares anything."

Little Angel then smiled and asked, "My names Angel! What's your name uncle?"

The other angel smiled said, "Whatever you'd like, you can call me that."

Angel then thought for a moment and said in a cheerful voice, "Skittles! Since you look all rainbow colored!"

Skittles smiled widely, "I like this name. Thanks little Angel."

Angel smiled back in response. She then looked around, and nervously asked, "Where am I....?"

Skittles then smiled and said, "Welcome to Heaven, Angel!"

Angel looked widely in shock. It took her sometime to process. She then started to remember that she died.

She started to tear up and cry. Skittles became sad as he saw angel cry. So he kneeled down and hugged her, "I am sorry for what happened with you Angel... But don't worry... Everything will be alright!"

Angel only cried more on Skittle's arms. She started to miss her Dad, her brothers, her friends and family. She couldn't stop crying. So Skittles stayed there embracing her as she cried it all out.


After a while when Angel stopped crying, Skittles wiped her tears and asked to lighten her mood, "Wanna go flying with me?"

Angel nodded slowly. Skittles then got up and took Angel's hand. Skittles then asked, "Ready for you first flight?"

Angel didn't notice it before but she now had a golden halo on her head and huge white, beautiful wings behind her. She fluttered them a bit and giggled. She still couldn't believe it as it felt like a dream.

Skittle then started to lift off the ground and Angel followed as she slowly fluttered her wings like Skittles did. She then got excited and flew around by herself as she started to get the hang of it.

They then both played hide and seek in the clouds as they flew around. After a while, even the Sheriff joined them and they played for a long while.

 After a while, even the Sheriff joined them and they played for a long while

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After a while Angel and Skittles sat on the clouds as they started to gossip a bit.

Angel then became a bit sad again thinking about her family and asked, "Will I be able to see Dad ever again, Skittles?"

Skittles then gave her a genuine smile and said, "Of course little Angel! You will see him again when the time comes."

Angel then asked, "Is there a Hell as well?"

"Yes. There is a Hell. The Sheriff did went there. But after his punishment was done, he was send to Heaven."

"Does that mean Dad will be punished too?..."

"Yes dear... He did some preety bad things... And he has paid for them as well but his debt is bigger so it might take a while for him but I'm sure after a while he will be able to join us too."

Angel looked sad but she understood, "But can't I go back to Earth and meet Dad again...?"

"I'm sorry little Angel... But that's not possible for us. Only some of the chosen angels are allowed down there."

Angel sighed, "I just miss Dad..."

Skittles then hugged Angel, "I know you do... I do too. But we have to be patient. We will see him when the time comes okay?"

Angel nodded, "Okay!"

Angel then looked up at her halo curiously and reached out her hand to touch it. Skittles then said, "Be careful Angel... You don't want to lose your halo."

Angel then asked, "But why?"

"Because if you lose it then you won't be able to stay in Heaven anymore and be stuck in either Earth or Hell..."

Angel got a bit scared and asked, "Can I atleast touch it?"

Skittles smiled softly and said, "Ofcourse you can! Just don't take it off."

Angel then touched her halo. It felt warm. The halo was bright and shiny and felt like it was made of gold. Angel looked at it in awe. She then looked at Skittles and said, "It's so beautiful!"

Skittles chuckled, "It is, and it's golden, just like your heart."

Angel giggled, "Thank you Skittles!"

They then talked a bit more about their life.


Angel then stood up, she felt like flying again. Skittle stood beside her and they flew around a bit.

After a while they landed again and Angel in a cheerful voice said, "I always wanted to fly! It's so much fun!"

Skittles agreed, "Yup! It sure is fun!"

Angel then started to feel a pull around herself as she felt herself sinking in the clouds. She then held Skittle's hand and asked, "What's happening!?"

Skittles then grabbed her hands as well and said, "I think you are going back to Earth..."

"But how!?"

"I don't know little Angel... Something isn't right..."

"What should I do!?!"

"Calm down Angel. I'm sure you will be fine... I think you should let go."

Skittles then let go of her hand, but Angel didn't. She still gripped his hands as she felt her own grip getting loosed by the seconds.

She then in her teary eyes said, "Im... I'm scared..."

Skittles then wiped her tears and patted her head, "You are a good child Angel. I'm sure god will protect you till the end of your time. So just believe in yourself. You are a brave girl. You can do this!"

Angel then closed her eyes and let go of Skittles hand and said, "Bye Skittles..."

"Goodbye little Angel."

With that Angel sinked into the clouds as she felt like a fallen Angel. Her soul falling back to Earth. Guess she can meet Hank soon afterall.

Hank J. Wimbleton + *Child* OC! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now