Are we gonna die?

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Girls pov now

No no no I knew this was a bad idea I knew something would happen!! - Rhianna

Okay listen it was not my idea it was nikis so don't blame me - minx

You fucking bitch it was for fun I didn't know something like this would happen i didn't even think it was my Wilbur there.. - niki

Then who was it?? A wizard? because that is fucking Wilbur! - minx

Okay lets go down and just run??- Rhianna

We can't.. there are cameras down stairs.. - niki

I don't give I shit I need to go out of this psycho house - minx


And how do you know that niki? - Rhianna

Because.. when we we're going up I didn't want to tell you but I saw like three more with a knife.. - niki

Oh my fucking god are we gonna die today?? - minx

If we are careful maybe if we are not yes - niki

What is this shit. This is literally your fault niki you brought us here so why don't we just send you down?? - Rhianna

Because you need me - niki

You know what no we don't - minx

Hahaha you do.. you can't say other because y'all will die and you know it Rhianna. You know you will die without me. - niki

But also who said y'all are not going to die tonight * takes 2 knifes out and stabs them at the same time in the stomach- niki

Ni- k- k- ii- wh- y- - minx

Because y'all deserve it
*yells* WILBUR I HAVE THEM - niki

GOOD- Wilbur

Niki takes the knifes out and they are starting to loose to much blood and they are slowly dying.

* Wilbur and niki goes out of the house like nothing happened and calls the police to seem like they just got home and they all are dead of course the police believed them *

( this is my first story so I hope y'all like it )

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