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𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠'𝕤  𝕡𝕠𝕧


I heard her run down the stairs before arriving at the front door. I opened the door and walked after her. She was wearing a pair of grey jeans, an oversized denim jacket, a black shirt with the text 'the answer is no' on it and for shoes she was wearing her favorite pair of black Nike airforce ones. I closed the door before we got into the car driving towards Lorenzo. We would go by Lorenzo first, then James and then her parents. As we arrived at Lorenzo's appartement I wanted to ring his bell before my hand got slapped away.

K: "I have a key you muppet."

I let out a chuckle before we walked into the hall. With the elevator we went up to the third floor. We walked to the right door and she unlocked it before she screamed something.






We gave each other a bro-hug before he turned towards his little sister. He picked her up in a hug. She wrapped her legs around his torso as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She rested her face on his shoulder. They were stood silent for a few seconds.

Lor: "Mi sei mancata bambina..." (I missed you babygirl...)

K: "Anche tu mi sei mancato signore..." (I missed you too mister...)

L: "I have no idea what you guys said."


K: "way to ruin the moment Lan."

She let out a chuckle before Lor walked away with her still hanging on him.

L: "you not gonna put her down?"

Lor: "nope."

K: "I'm hanging like this for the coming 45 minutes just like the last few times."

Lorenzo was taking some stuff out off the fridge as Kensi looked at me. She smiled lightly before I walked to her and pecked her lips.

Lor: "ah no! Not my little sister boy!!!"

L: "you were literally the one telling me to take my shot Lor."

Lor: "well I take that back! Nobody is good enough for my little bambina!"

K: "since when are you overprotective? You let me go on a mission but stooooppp a boyfriend is dangerous! You make no sense..."

Lor: "ah you love it."

She made a gagging face towards me making me chuckle lightly.
We were finally done with Lor and were now on to James his work as he wasn't home yet and Kensi wanted to suprise him at work. As we walked into the huge building 10 minutes away from London we spotted the face of her oldest brother. Kensi whistled hard on her fingers making him turn towards us. He froze but form the distance we had we could see his watery eyes. Kensi ran towards him and jumped into his arms. James held her just like Lorenzo did. I gently walked over to them and slowly I heard his sobs on her shoulder as he held her.

Jam: "when?!"

K: "yesterday."

Jam: "non andare più bambina!" (Don't go again babygirl!)

K: "questa è stata l'ultima volta per un po'... lo giuro!" (This was the last time for a while... I promise!)

They had a quick talk before James had to leave for a meeting. We got back into the car and Kensi let her head fall down on her knees. She looked back up and then I noticed she was crying.

L: "what's wrong Kens?"

K: "literally nothing. I'm just happy that I see them again."

I chuckled at her. I let my hand rest on her thigh while her hand was placed on top of mine. Her head was resting on my shoulder as we were now waiting for a good 30 minute drive towards her parents.
𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧
K: "Mamma! Il tuo bambino preferito è tornato! Hallo Vater!" (Mom! Your favorite child is back! Hello Dad!)

M: "Ciao miele!" (Hey honey!)

I was immediately pulled into a hug by my mom. My dad followed after and they greeted Lando. My mom looked at me with a pleased look before speaking up.

M: "è molto bello. è dolce come sembra?" (He's very handsome. Is he as sweet as he looks?)

K: "si... lo è." (Yes... he is.)

She let a slight giggle slip out of her mouth as my dad rolled his eyes at my mum and Lando looked at me with a confusing face.

P: "you don't speak Italian as well? Great let's get a beer. Shall we?"

L: "oh I don't drink sir."

P: "Kensi... wirklich kein Alkohol? Das ist kein richtiger Mann, oder?" (Kensi... no alcohol really? That's not a real men then is it?)

K: "er hat eine strenge Diät... ich weiß nicht, ob er sonst trinkt..." (he's on a strict diet... I don't know if he drinks otherwise...)

L: "great now she speaks German as well."

K: "sorry. Mom is originally from Italy. Dad's mom is German. He grew up in Germany as well."

L: "do you speak more languages?"

K: "yes..."

L: "which one's?"

K: "French and Spanish."

L: "great... now you can also talk with Carlos without me understanding."

K: "oh yea. Soy lago right."

L: "shut up."

D: "you're gonna have a hard time without speaking Italian and German... Lorenzo and James don't know German as well. Kensi just took the time to learn it. Our secret language right?"

K: "Richtig!" (True!)

We walked into the dinning room where the table was full of food. I saw Lando raise his eyebrows at all the food and then turn to me.

K: "don't worry. This will be gone tomorrow. Dad eats a lot."

D: "ai! Ich habe das gehört, Kensi!" (Ai! I heard that Kensi!)

K: "gut! Wahrheiten tun weh, ich weiß, Papa!" (Good! Truths hurts, dad!)

We all took place at the table and started eating.

Hard working-Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now