On The Run

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Clarke's POV

It has been three months since I left Camp Jaha. Three months since I was left with no choice but to radiate level of 5 Mount Weather. 381 lives. It's rumoured that I've been given the new title of 'The Commander of Death' otherwise known as 'Wanheda' in grounder tongue.

I despise my choice to leave, but there was simply no other option for Lexa had proceeded in one of the biggest betrayals of all time, resulting me in killing those 381 people.

God I hate her, and for both our sakes I hope she never has to come across this new, "so called, Wanheda," as I have no idea what I would do if I lost myself to my anger. I know if I was to kill her, I'd be dead within seconds by the hands of her scouts whom care way too much about her.

Still, I wouldn't even give a damn since she'd finally realise how bad of a thing it was to have betrayed me while my knife impales her stomach.

Polis (Capital) 3rd Person

"Guards," Lexa commands softly, gesturing her hands to open the very large doors upon her from the very throne she is sat in.

In steps Prince Roan of Azgeda, better known as Ice Nation, tended by her guards.
"You asked to see me Commander?" He asks, finding it difficult to even look her in the eyes while he speaks.

"Yes." Lexa confirms, her head perking upwards before adding, "How would you like if we arranged a deal that could possibly result in your banishment being lifted?"

Roan's head flicks up, fidgeting on the spot a little, his chains jangle. "You're- You're serious?"

Lexa awaits for Roan's approval or disproval of the agreement, followed with a hesitant nod.

"What do I have to do?" He asks in a trembling tone, fluttering his eyes with narcissism. If the commander is really willing to lift his banishment, this task shall not be easy.

"Bring me Wanheda." She pauses, tucking a lip under her teeth before adding "unharmed". Her manner was quite serious, insinuating that if she was to have even a scratch, the deal would be broken. Although, that's the moral of the story.

Roan is stuck in the middle of this big, open room, questioning whether bringing her Wanheda was worth the price. "I'll think about it." His eyes avert away from the intimidating woman deceiving him before his very eyes.

A loud voice cuts him short, "There is no thinking about it!" causing an echo to fill the room. Her distraught face is brought to rest, observing the eyes of the people in the room, whom are taken back by her actions. Lexa sighs, shutting her eyes for a moment, only to open them to the same view as before. God, she has anger problems. "You have until the end of the week to bring me Wanheda, or this matter shall not be negotiable anymore."

Roan stares at her with furrowed eyebrows, taken back by her little commotion. It's time for him to buck up his decision and think about his answer. Nodding subtly, he squeaks, "Yes Heda."
He underestimated the commander.

Withdrawing himself from the situation, Roan proceeds to leave, accompanied by the original guards from before.

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